Utility methods used by JSData.
import { utils } from 'js-data';
console.log(utils.isString('foo')); // true
<static> Promise
Reference to the Promise constructor used by JSData. Defaults to
.Exampleimport Promise from 'bluebird'; import { utils } from 'js-data'; utils.Promise = Promise;
<static> addHiddenPropsToTarget(target, props)
Define hidden (non-enumerable), writable properties on
from the providedprops
.Method parameters:Name Type Description target
Object That to which
should be added.props
Object Properties to be added to
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; function Cat () {} utils.addHiddenPropsToTarget(Cat.prototype, { say () { console.log('meow'); } }); const cat = new Cat(); cat.say(); // "meow"
<static> areDifferent(a, b, opts)
Return whether the two objects are deeply different.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description a
Object Base object.
Object Comparison object.
Object <optional>
Configuration options.
Name Type Argument Default Description equalsFn
Function <optional>
utils.deepEqual Equality function.
Array <optional>
[] Array of strings or RegExp of fields to ignore.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the two objects are deeply different.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; utils.areDifferent({}, {}); // false utils.areDifferent({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }); // false utils.areDifferent({ foo: 'bar' }, {}); // true
<static> classCallCheck(instance, ctor)
Verified that the given constructor is being invoked via
, as opposed to just being called like a normal function.Method parameters:Name Type Description instance
* Instance that is being constructed.
Constructor Constructor function used to construct the instance.
Throws an error if the constructor is being improperly invoked.
- Type
- Error
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; function Cat () { utils.classCallCheck(this, Cat); } const cat = new Cat(); // this is ok Cat(); // this throws an error
<static> copy(from, to, stackFrom, stackTo, blacklist, plain)
Deep copy a value.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description from
* Value to deep copy.
* <optional>
Destination object for the copy operation.
* <optional>
For internal use.
* <optional>
For internal use.
Array.<String> | Array.<RegExp> <optional>
List of strings or RegExp of properties to skip.
Boolean <optional>
Whether to make a plain copy (don't try to use original prototype).
Return value:Type Description * Deep copy of
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }; const b = utils.copy(a); a === b; // false utils.areDifferent(a, b); // false
<static> deepEqual(a, b)
Check whether the two provided objects are deeply equal.
Method parameters:Name Type Description a
Object First object in the comparison.
Object Second object in the comparison.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the two provided objects are deeply equal.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const objA = { name: 'John', id: 27, nested: { item: 'item 1', colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue'] } }; const objB = { name: 'John', id: 27, nested: { item: 'item 1', colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue'] } }; console.log(utils.deepEqual(a,b)); // true objB.nested.colors.add('yellow'); // make a change to a nested object's array console.log(utils.deepEqual(a,b)); // false
<static> deepFillIn(dest, source)
Recursively shallow fill in own enumerable properties from
.Method parameters:Name Type Description dest
Object The destination object.
Object The source object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }; const b = { beep: 'bip' }; utils.deepFillIn(b, a); console.log(b); // {"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"beep":"bip"}
<static> deepMixIn(dest, source)
Recursively shallow copy enumerable properties from
.Method parameters:Name Type Description dest
Object The destination object.
Object The source object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }; const b = { beep: 'bip' }; utils.deepFillIn(b, a); console.log(b); // {"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"beep":"boop"}
<static> diffObjects(newObject, oldObject, opts)
Return a diff of the base object to the comparison object.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description newObject
Object Comparison object.
Object Base object.
Object <optional>
Configuration options.
Name Type Argument Default Description equalsFn
Function <optional>
utils.deepEqual Equality function.
Array <optional>
[] Array of strings or RegExp of fields to ignore.
Return value:Type Description Object The diff from the base object to the comparison object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const oldObject = { foo: 'bar', a: 1234 }; const newObject = { beep: 'boop', a: 5678 }; const diff = utils.diffObjects(oldObject, newObject); console.log(diff.added); // {"beep":"boop"} console.log(diff.changed); // {"a":5678} console.log(diff.removed); // {"foo":undefined}
<static> equal(a, b)
Return whether the two values are equal according to the
operator.Method parameters:Name Type Description a
* First value in the comparison.
* Second value in the comparison.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the two values are equal according to
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; console.log(utils.equal(1,1)); // true console.log(utils.equal(1,'1')); // true console.log(utils.equal(93, 66)); // false
<static> err(domain, target)
Produce a factory function for making Error objects with the provided metadata. Used throughout the various js-data components.
Return value:Type Description Function Factory function.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const errorFactory = utils.err('domain', 'target'); const error400 = errorFactory(400, 'expected type', 'actual type'); console.log(error400); // [Error: [domain:target] expected: expected type, found: string http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/errors#400]
<static> eventify(target, getter, setter)
Add eventing capabilities into the target object.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description target
Object Target object.
Function <optional>
Custom getter for retrieving the object's event listeners.
Function <optional>
Custom setter for setting the object's event listeners.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const user = { name: 'John' }; utils.eventify(user); user.on('foo', () => console.log(arguments)); user.emit('foo', 1, 'bar'); // should log to console values (1, "bar")
<static> extend(props, props)
Used for sublcassing. Invoke this method in the context of a superclass to to produce a subclass based on
.Method parameters:Name Type Description props
Object Instance properties for the subclass.
Name Type Argument Description constructor
Object <optional>
Provide a custom constructor function to use as the subclass.
Object Static properties for the subclass.
Return value:Type Description Constructor A new subclass.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; function Animal () {} Animal.extend = utils.extend; const Cat = Animal.extend({ say () { console.log('meow'); } }); const cat = new Cat(); cat instanceof Animal; // true cat instanceof Cat; // true cat.say(); // "meow"
<static> fillIn(dest, source)
Shallow copy own enumerable properties from
that are onsrc
but are missing from `dest.Method parameters:Name Type Description dest
Object The destination object.
Object The source object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: 'bar', beep: 'boop' }; const b = { beep: 'bip' }; utils.fillIn(b, a); console.log(b); // {"foo":"bar","beep":"bip"}
<static> findIndex(array, fn)
Find the last index of an item in an array according to the given checker function.
Method parameters:Name Type Description array
Array The array to search.
Function Checker function.
Return value:Type Description Number Index if found or -1 if not found.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const john = { name: 'John', age: 20 }; const sara = { name: 'Sara', age: 25 }; const dan = { name: 'Dan', age: 20 }; const users = [john, sara, dan]; console.log(utils.findIndex(users, (user) => user.age === 25)); // 1 console.log(utils.findIndex(users, (user) => user.age > 19)); // 2 console.log(utils.findIndex(users, (user) => user.name === 'John')); // 0 console.log(utils.findIndex(users, (user) => user.name === 'Jimmy')); // -1
<static> forEachRelation(mapper, opts, fn, thisArg)
Recursively iterate over a Mapper's relations according to
.Method parameters:Name Type Description mapper
Mapper Mapper.
Object Configuration options.
Function Callback function.
* Execution context for the callback function.
<static> forOwn(object, fn, thisArg)
Iterate over an object's own enumerable properties.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description object
Object The object whose properties are to be enumerated.
Function Iteration function.
Object <optional>
Content to which to bind
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { b: 1, c: 4 }; let sum = 0; utils.forOwn(a, function (value, key) { sum += value; }); console.log(sum); // 5
<static> fromJson(json)
Proxy for
.Method parameters:Name Type Description json
String JSON to parse.
Return value:Type Description Object Parsed object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = utils.fromJson('{"name" : "John"}'); console.log(a); // { name: 'John' }
<static> get(object, prop)
Retrieve the specified property from the given object. Supports retrieving nested properties.
Method parameters:Name Type Description object
Object Object from which to retrieve a property's value.
String Property to retrieve.
Return value:Type Description * Value of the specified property.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }; console.log(utils.get(a, 'beep')); // "boop" console.log(utils.get(a, 'foo.bar')); // "baz"
<static> getSuper(instance, isCtor)
Return the superclass for the given instance or subclass. If an instance is provided, then finds the parent class of the instance's constructor.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Default Description instance
Object | Function Instance or constructor.
Boolean <optional>
false Whether
is a constructor.Return value:Type Description Constructor The superclass (grandparent constructor).
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; // using ES2015 classes class Foo {} class Bar extends Foo {} const barInstance = new Bar(); let baseType = utils.getSuper(barInstance); console.log(Foo === baseType); // true // using Function constructor with utils.extend function Foo () {} Foo.extend = utils.extend; const Bar = Foo.extend(); const barInstance = new Bar(); let baseType = utils.getSuper(barInstance); console.log(Foo === baseType); // true
<static> intersection(array1, array2)
Return the intersection of two arrays.
Return value:Type Description Array Array of elements common to both arrays.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const arrA = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'red']; const arrB = ['green', 'yellow', 'red']; const intersected = utils.intersection(arrA, arrB); console.log(intersected); // ['green', 'red'])
<static> isArray(value)
Proxy for
.Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is an array.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = [1,2,3,4,5]; const b = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isArray(a)); // true console.log(utils.isArray(b)); // false
<static> isBlacklisted(prop, blacklist)
Return whether
is matched by any string or regular expression inblacklist
.Method parameters:Name Type Description prop
String The name of a property to check.
Array Array of strings and regular expressions.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether
was matched.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const blacklist = [/^\$hashKey/g, /^_/g, 'id']; console.log(utils.isBlacklisted("$hashKey", blacklist)); // true console.log(utils.isBlacklisted("id", blacklist)); // true console.log(utils.isBlacklisted("_myProp", blacklist)); // true console.log(utils.isBlacklisted("my_id", blacklist)); // false
<static> isBoolean(value)
Return whether the provided value is a boolean.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a boolean.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = true; const b = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isBoolean(a)); // true console.log(utils.isBoolean(b)); // false
<static> isDate(value)
Return whether the provided value is a date.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Date Whether the provided value is a date.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = new Date(); const b = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isDate(a)); // true console.log(utils.isDate(b)); // false
<static> isFunction(value)
Return whether the provided value is a function.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a function.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = function () { console.log('foo bar'); }; const b = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isFunction(a)); // true console.log(utils.isFunction(b)); // false
<static> isInteger(value)
Return whether the provided value is an integer.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is an integer.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = 1; const b = 1.25; const c = '1'; console.log(utils.isInteger(a)); // true console.log(utils.isInteger(b)); // false console.log(utils.isInteger(c)); // false
<static> isNull(value)
Return whether the provided value is
.Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = null; const b = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isNull(a)); // true console.log(utils.isNull(b)); // false
<static> isNumber(value)
Return whether the provided value is a number.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a number.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = 1; const b = -1.25; const c = '1'; console.log(utils.isNumber(a)); // true console.log(utils.isNumber(b)); // true console.log(utils.isNumber(c)); // false
<static> isObject(value)
Return whether the provided value is an object.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is an object.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: "bar" }; const b = 'foo bar'; console.log(utils.isObject(a)); // true console.log(utils.isObject(b)); // false
<static> isRegExp(value)
Return whether the provided value is a regular expression.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a regular expression.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = /^\$.+$/ig; const b = new RegExp('^\$.+$', 'ig'); const c = { foo: "bar" }; console.log(utils.isRegExp(a)); // true console.log(utils.isRegExp(b)); // true console.log(utils.isRegExp(c)); // false
<static> isSorN(value)
Return whether the provided value is a string or a number.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a string or a number.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; console.log(utils.isSorN('')); // true console.log(utils.isSorN(-1.65)); // true console.log(utils.isSorN('my string')); // true console.log(utils.isSorN({})); // false console.log(utils.isSorN([1,2,4])); // false
<static> isString(value)
Return whether the provided value is a string.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a string.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; console.log(utils.isString('')); // true console.log(utils.isString('my string')); // true console.log(utils.isString(100)); // false console.log(utils.isString([1,2,4])); // false
<static> isUndefined(value)
Return whether the provided value is a
.Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to test.
Return value:Type Description Boolean Whether the provided value is a
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = undefined; const b = { foo: "bar"}; console.log(utils.isUndefined(a)); // true console.log(utils.isUndefined(b.baz)); // true console.log(utils.isUndefined(b)); // false console.log(utils.isUndefined(b.foo)); // false
<static> logify(target)
Mix in logging capabilities to the target.
Method parameters:Name Type Description target
* The target.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { foo: "bar"}; // Add standard logging to an object utils.logify(a); a.log('info', 'test log info'); // output 'test log info' to console. // Toggle debug output of an object a.dbg('test debug output'); // does not output because debug is off. a.debug = true; a.dbg('test debug output'); // output 'test debug output' to console.
<static> noDupeAdd(array, record, fn)
Adds the given record to the provided array only if it's not already in the array.
Method parameters:Name Type Description array
Array The array.
* The value to add.
Function Callback function passed to utils.findIndex.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow']; console.log(colors.length); // 3 utils.noDupeAdd(colors, 'red'); console.log(colors.length); // 3, red already exists utils.noDupeAdd(colors, 'blue'); console.log(colors.length); // 4, blue was added
<static> omit(props, keys)
Return a shallow copy of the provided object, minus the properties specified in
.Method parameters:Name Type Description props
Object The object to copy.
Array.<String> Array of strings, representing properties to skip.
Return value:Type Description Object Shallow copy of
, minuskeys
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { name: 'John', $hashKey: 1214910 }; let b = utils.omit(a, ['$hashKey']); console.log(b); // { name: 'John' }
<static> pick(props, keys)
Return a shallow copy of the provided object, but only include the properties specified in
.Method parameters:Name Type Description props
Object The object to copy.
Array.<String> Array of strings, representing properties to keep.
Return value:Type Description Object Shallow copy of
, but only includingkeys
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { name: 'John', $hashKey: 1214910 }; let b = utils.pick(a, ['$hashKey']); console.log(b); // { $hashKey: 1214910 }
<static> plainCopy(value)
Return a plain copy of the given value.
Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* The value to copy.
Return value:Type Description * Plain copy of
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { name: 'John' }; let b = utils.plainCopy(a); console.log(a === b); // false
<static> reject(value)
Shortcut for
.Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description value
* <optional>
Value with which to reject the Promise.
Return value:Type Description Promise Promise reject with
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; utils.reject("Testing static reject").then(function (data) { // not called }).catch(function (reason) { console.log(reason); // "Testing static reject" });
<static> remove(array, fn)
Remove the last item found in array according to the given checker function.
Method parameters:Name Type Description array
Array The array to search.
Function Checker function.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']; utils.remove(colors, (color) => color === 'red'); console.log(colors); // ['red', 'green', 'yellow']
<static> resolve(value)
Shortcut for
.Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description value
* <optional>
Value with which to resolve the Promise.
Return value:Type Description Promise Promise resolved with
.Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; utils.resolve("Testing static resolve").then(function (data) { console.log(data); // "Testing static resolve" }).catch(function (reason) { // not called });
<static> set(object, path, value)
Set the value at the provided key or path.
Method parameters:Name Type Argument Description object
Object The object on which to set a property.
String | Object The key or path to the property. Can also pass in an object of path/value pairs, which will all be set on the target object.
* <optional>
The value to set.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const john = { name: 'John', age: 25, parent: { name: 'John's Mom', age: 50 } }; // set value by key utils.set(john, 'id', 98); console.log(john.id); // 98 // set value by path utils.set(john, 'parent.id', 20); console.log(john.parent.id); // 20 // set value by path/value map utils.set(john, { 'id': 1098, 'parent': { id: 1020 }, 'parent.age': '55' }); console.log(john.id); // 1098 console.log(john.parent.id); // 1020 console.log(john.parent.age); // 55
<static> toJson(value)
Proxy for
.Method parameters:Name Type Description value
* Value to serialize to JSON.
Return value:Type Description String JSON string.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const a = { name: 'John' }; let jsonVal = utils.toJson(a); console.log(jsonVal); // '{"name" : "John"}'
<static> unset(object, path)
Unset the value at the provided key or path.
Method parameters:Name Type Description object
Object The object from which to delete the property.
String The key or path to the property.
Exampleimport { utils } from 'js-data'; const john = { name: 'John', age: 25, parent: { name: 'John's Mom', age: 50 } }; utils.unset(john, age); utils.unset(john, parent.age); console.log(john.age); // null console.log(john.parent.age); // null