Class: Container


new Container(opts)

The Container class is a place to define and store Mapper instances.

Container makes it easy to manage your Mappers. Without a container, you need to manage Mappers yourself, including resolving circular dependencies among relations. All Mappers in a container share the same adapters, so you don't have to register adapters for every single Mapper.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
debug Boolean <optional>

See Component#debug.

mapperClass Constructor <optional>

See Container#mapperClass.

mapperDefaults Object <optional>

See Container#mapperDefaults.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 911

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const {Container} = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container();


This class extends the Component class.



The adapters registered with this Container, which are also shared by all Mappers in this Container.

Type Since Source See
Object 3.0.0 Container.js, line 941


The the mappers in this container

Type Since Source See
Object 3.0.0 Container.js, line 954


Whether to enable debug-level logs for this component. Anything that extends Component inherits this option and the corresponding logging functionality.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean 3.0.0
Component.js, line 28
Inherited From:

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Component } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const component = new Component();
component.log('debug', 'some message'); // nothing gets logged
// Display debug logs:
component.debug = true;
component.log('debug', 'other message'); // this DOES get logged


Constructor function to use in Container#defineMapper to create new Mapper instances. Container#mapperClass should extend Mapper. By default Mapper is used to instantiate Mappers.

Type Since Source See
Constructor 3.0.0 Container.js, line 966

// import { Container, Mapper } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container, Mapper } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

class MyMapperClass extends Mapper {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
const store = new Container({
  mapperClass: MyMapperClass


Defaults options to pass to Container#mapperClass when creating a new Mapper.

Type Since Default value Source
Object 3.0.0
Container.js, line 1000

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container({
  mapperDefaults: {
    idAttribute: '_id'


<static> extend(props, classProps)

Create a subclass of this Container:

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
props Object <optional>

Properties to add to the prototype of the subclass.

Name Type Argument Description
constructor Object <optional>

Provide a custom constructor function to be used as the subclass itself.

classProps Object <optional>

Static properties to add to the subclass.

Return value:
Type Description

Subclass of this Container class.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1331

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

// Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.
class CustomContainerClass extends Container {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
  static beep () { return 'boop' }
const customContainer = new CustomContainerClass();

// Extend the class using alternate method.
const OtherContainerClass = Container.extend({
  foo () { return 'bar'; }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop'; }
const otherContainer = new OtherContainerClass();

// Extend the class, providing a custom constructor.
function AnotherContainerClass () {;
  this.created_at = new Date().getTime();
  constructor: AnotherContainerClass,
  foo () { return 'bar'; }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop'; }
const anotherContainer = new AnotherContainerClass();


Return a container scoped to a particular mapper.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper.

Return value:
Type Description

A container scoped to a particular mapper.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1072

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container();
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user');
const UserStore ='user');

const user1 = store.createRecord('user', { name: 'John' });
const user2 = UserStore.createRecord({ name: 'John' });
const user3 = UserMapper.createRecord({ name: 'John' });
console.log(user1 === user2);
console.log(user2 === user3);
console.log(user1 === user3);

count(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#count.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#count.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#count.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#count.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 8
// Get the number of published blog posts
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.count('post', { status: 'published' }).then((numPublished) => {
  console.log(numPublished); // e.g. 45

create(name, props, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#create.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

props Object

See Mapper#create.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#create.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#create.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 84
// Create and save a new blog post
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.create('post', {
  title: 'Modeling your data',
  status: 'draft'
}).then((post) => {
  console.log(post); // { id: 1234, status: 'draft', ... }

createMany(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#createMany.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array.<Record>

See Mapper#createMany.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#createMany.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#createMany.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 165
// Create and save several new blog posts
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.createMany('post', [{
  title: 'Modeling your data',
  status: 'draft'
}, {
  title: 'Reading data',
  status: 'draft'
}]).then((posts) => {
  console.log(posts[0]); // { id: 1234, status: 'draft', ... }
  console.log(posts[1]); // { id: 1235, status: 'draft', ... }

createRecord(name, props, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#createRecord.

Note: This method does not interact with any adapter, and does not save any data. It only creates new objects in memory.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

props Object | Array.<Object>

See Mapper#createRecord.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#createRecord.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#createRecord.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 199
// Create empty unsaved record instance
import { Container } from 'js-data';
const store = new Container();
const post = PostMapper.createRecord();


Log the provided values at the "debug" level. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

.dbg(...) is shorthand for .log('debug', ...).

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 122
Inherited From:

defineMapper(name, opts)

Create a new mapper and register it in this container.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name under which to register the new Mapper. Mapper#name will be set to this value.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. Passed to Container#mapperClass when creating the new Mapper.

Return value:
Type Description

The newly created instance of Mapper.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1117

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container({
  mapperDefaults: { foo: 'bar' }
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user');
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'));
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper());

destroy(name, id, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#destroy.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

See Mapper#destroy.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#destroy.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#destroy.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 273
// Destroy a specific blog post
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.destroy('post', 1234).then(() => {
  // Blog post #1234 has been destroyed

destroyAll(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#destroyAll.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#destroyAll.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#destroyAll.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#destroyAll.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 351
// Destroy all "draft" blog posts
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.destroyAll('post', { status: 'draft' }).then(() => {
  // All "draft" blog posts have been destroyed

emit(event, args)

Trigger an event on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to emit.

args * <optional>

Arguments to pass to any listeners.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 200
Inherited From:

// import { Collection, DataStore } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Collection, DataStore } = JSData;

const collection = new Collection();
collection.on('foo', function (msg) {
collection.emit('foo', 'bar');

const store = new DataStore();
store.on('beep', function (msg) {
store.emit('beep', 'boop');

find(name, id, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#find.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

See Mapper#find.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#find.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#find.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 429
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.find('post', 1).then((post) => {
  console.log(post) // { id: 1, ...}

findAll(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#createRecord.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#findAll.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#findAll.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#findAll.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 506
// Find all "published" blog posts
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.findAll('post', { status: 'published' }).then((posts) => {
  console.log(posts); // [{ id: 1, ...}, ...]


Return the registered adapter with the given name or the default adapter if no name is provided.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String <optional>

The name of the adapter to retrieve.

Return value:
Type Description

The adapter.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1189


Return the name of a registered adapter based on the given name or options, or the name of the default adapter if no name provided.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object | String <optional>

The name of an adapter or options, if any.

Return value:
Type Description

The name of the adapter.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1206


Return the registered adapters of this container.

Return value:
Type Description
Adapter Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1223


Return the mapper registered under the specified name.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String


Return value:
Type Description
Mapper Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1234

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container();
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user');
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'));
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper());
store.getMapper('profile'); // throws Error, there is no mapper with name "profile"


Return the mapper registered under the specified name. Doesn't throw error if mapper doesn't exist.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String


Return value:
Type Description
Mapper Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1264

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container();
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user');
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'));
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper());
console.log(store.getMapper('profile')); // Does NOT throw an error


Wrapper for Mapper#getSchema.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#getSchema.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 533

is(name, record)

Wrapper for Mapper#is.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

record Object | Record

See Mapper#is.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#is.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 544
import { Container } from 'js-data';
const store = new Container();
const post = store.createRecord();

console.log('post', post)); // true
// Equivalent to what's above
console.log(post instanceof store.getMapper('post').recordClass); // true

log(level, args)

Log the provided values. By default sends values to console[level]. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

Will attempt to use appropriate console methods if they are available.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
level String

Log level.

args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 132
Inherited From:

off(event, listener)

Remove an event listener from this Component. If no listener is provided, then all listeners for the specified event will be removed. If no event is specified then all listeners for all events will be removed.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String <optional>

Name of event to unsubsribe to.

listener Function <optional>

Listener to remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 178
Inherited From:
// Remove a particular listener for a particular event'add', handler);
// Remove all listeners for a particular event'change');
// Remove all listeners to all events;

on(event, listener, ctx)

Register a new event listener on this Container.

Proxy for Component#on. If an event was emitted by a Mapper in the Container, then the name of the Mapper will be prepended to the arugments passed to the listener.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to subsribe to.

listener Function

Listener function to handle the event.

ctx * <optional>

Optional content in which to invoke the listener.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1032 Component#on

// import { Container } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Container } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new Container();
store.on('foo', function (...args) { console.log(args.join(':')) });
store.emit('foo', 'arg1', 'arg2');
store.getMapper('user').emit('foo', 'arg1', 'arg2');

registerAdapter(name, adapter, opts)

Register an adapter on this container under the given name. Adapters registered on a container are shared by all mappers in the container.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

The name of the adapter to register.

adapter Adapter

The adapter to register.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
default Boolean <optional>

Whether to make the adapter the default adapter for all Mappers in this container.

Since Source Tutorials
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1291
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import { RethinkDBAdapter } from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

sum(name, field, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#sum.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

field String

See Mapper#sum.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#sum.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#sum.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#sum.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 566
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.sum('purchase_order', 'amount', { status: 'paid' }).then((amountPaid) => {
  console.log(amountPaid); // e.g. 451125.34

toJSON(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#toJSON.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Record | Array.<Record>

See Mapper#toJSON.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#toJSON.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Array.<Object>

See Mapper#toJSON.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 591
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });
store.defineMapper('person', {
  schema: {
    properties: {
      name: { type: 'string' },
      id: { type: 'string' }
const person = store.createRecord('person', { id: 1, name: 'John', foo: 'bar' });
// "foo" is stripped by toJSON()
console.log(store.toJSON('person', person)); // {"id":1,"name":"John"}

store.defineMapper('personRelaxed', {
  schema: {
    properties: {
      name: { type: 'string' },
      id: { type: 'string' }
    additionalProperties: true
const person2 = store.createRecord('personRelaxed', { id: 1, name: 'John', foo: 'bar' });
// "foo" is not stripped by toJSON
console.log(store.toJSON('personRelaxed', person2)); // {"id":1,"name":"John","foo":"bar"}

update(name, id, record, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#update.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

See Mapper#update.

record Object

See Mapper#update.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#update.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#update.

Since Source Tutorials See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 687
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.update('post', 1234, {
  status: 'published',
  published_at: new Date()
}).then((post) => {
  console.log(post); // { id: 1234, status: 'published', ... }

updateAll(name, update, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#updateAll.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

update Object

See Mapper#updateAll.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#updateAll.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#updateAll.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#updateAll.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 771
// Turn all of John's blog posts into drafts.
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

const update = { status: draft: published_at: null };
const query = { userId: 1234 };
store.updateAll('post', update, query).then((posts) => {
  console.log(posts); // [...]

updateMany(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#updateMany.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

See Mapper#updateMany.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#updateMany.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#updateMany.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 852
import { Container } from 'js-data';
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
const store = new Container();
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true });

store.updateMany('post', [
  { id: 1234, status: 'draft' },
  { id: 2468, status: 'published', published_at: new Date() }
]).then((posts) => {
  console.log(posts); // [...]

validate(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#validate.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

See Mapper#validate.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#validate.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#validate.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 881
import { Container } from 'js-data';
const store = new Container();
store.defineMapper('post', {
  schema: {
    properties: {
      name: { type: 'string' },
      id: { type: 'string' }
let errors = store.validate('post', { name: 'John' });
console.log(errors); // undefined
errors = store.validate('post', { name: 123 });
console.log(errors); // [{ expected: 'one of (string)', actual: 'number', path: 'name' }]

Type Definitions

afterCreateListener(name, props, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterCreate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

function onAfterCreate (mapperName, props, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterCreate', onAfterCreate);

afterCreateManyListener(name, records, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterCreateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

function onAfterCreateMany (mapperName, records, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterCreateMany', onAfterCreateMany);

afterDestroyAllListener(name, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterDestroyAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

function onAfterDestroyAll (mapperName, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterDestroyAll', onAfterDestroyAll);

afterDestroyListener(name, id, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterDestroy event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

function onAfterDestroy (mapperName, id, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterDestroy', onAfterDestroy);

afterFindAllListener(name, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterFindAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

function onAfterFindAll (mapperName, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterFindAll', onAfterFindAll);

afterFindListener(name, id, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterFind event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

function onAfterFind (mapperName, id, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterFind', onAfterFind);

afterUpdateAllListener(name, props, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterUpdateAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

function onAfterUpdateAll (mapperName, props, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdateAll', onAfterUpdateAll);

afterUpdateListener(name, id, props, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterUpdate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

function onAfterUpdate (mapperName, id, props, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdate', onAfterUpdate);

afterUpdateManyListener(name, records, opts, result)

Callback signature for the Container#event:afterUpdateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

function onAfterUpdateMany (mapperName, records, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdateMany', onAfterUpdateMany);

beforeCreateListener(name, props, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeCreate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

function onBeforeCreate (mapperName, props, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeCreate', onBeforeCreate);

beforeCreateManyListener(name, records, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeCreateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

function onBeforeCreateMany (mapperName, records, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeCreateMany', onBeforeCreateMany);

beforeDestroyAllListener(name, query, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeDestroyAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

function onBeforeDestroyAll (mapperName, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeDestroyAll', onBeforeDestroyAll);

beforeDestroyListener(name, id, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeDestroy event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

function onBeforeDestroy (mapperName, id, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeDestroy', onBeforeDestroy);

beforeFindAllListener(name, query, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeFindAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

function onBeforeFindAll (mapperName, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeFindAll', onBeforeFindAll);

beforeFindListener(name, id, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeFind event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

function onBeforeFind (mapperName, id, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeFind', onBeforeFind);

beforeUpdateAllListener(name, props, query, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeUpdateAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

function onBeforeUpdateAll (mapperName, props, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdateAll', onBeforeUpdateAll);

beforeUpdateListener(name, id, props, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeUpdate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

function onBeforeUpdate (mapperName, id, props, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdate', onBeforeUpdate);

beforeUpdateManyListener(name, records, opts)

Callback signature for the Container#event:beforeUpdateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

function onBeforeUpdateMany (mapperName, records, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdateMany', onBeforeUpdateMany);



Fired during Container#create. See Container~afterCreateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#createMany. See Container~afterCreateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#destroy. See Container~afterDestroyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#destroyAll. See Container~afterDestroyAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#find. See Container~afterFindListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#findAll. See Container~afterFindAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#update. See Container~afterUpdateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#updateAll. See Container~afterUpdateAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#updateMany. See Container~afterUpdateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#create. See Container~beforeCreateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#createMany. See Container~beforeCreateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#destroy. See Container~beforeDestroyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#destroyAll. See Container~beforeDestroyAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#find. See Container~beforeFindListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#findAll. See Container~beforeFindAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#update. See Container~beforeUpdateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#updateAll. See Container~beforeUpdateAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during Container#updateMany. See Container~beforeUpdateManyListener for how to listen for this event.