Class: Query


new Query(collection)

A class used by the Collection class to build queries to be executed against the collection's data. An instance of Query is returned by Collection#query. Query instances are typically short-lived, and you shouldn't have to create them yourself. Just use Collection#query.

import { Query } from 'js-data';
Method parameters:
Name Type Description
collection Collection

The collection on which this query operates.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 25

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'draft', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'draft', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'draft', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const drafts = store.query('post').filter({ status: 'draft' }).limit(2).run();


This class extends the Component class.


<static> ops

The filtering operators supported by Query#filter, and which are implemented by adapters (for the most part).

Type Since Source
Object 3.0.0 Query.js, line 940
Name Type Description
== Function

Equality operator.

!= Function

Inequality operator.

> Function

Greater than operator.

>= Function

Greater than (inclusive) operator.

< Function

Less than operator.

<= Function

Less than (inclusive) operator.

isectEmpty Function

Operator that asserts that the intersection between two arrays is empty.

isectNotEmpty Function

Operator that asserts that the intersection between two arrays is not empty.

in Function

Operator that asserts whether a value is in an array.

notIn Function

Operator that asserts whether a value is not in an array.

contains Function

Operator that asserts whether an array contains a value.

notContains Function

Operator that asserts whether an array does not contain a value.


const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'published', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const publishedPosts = store.filter('post', {
  status: 'published',
  limit: 2

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'published', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const publishedPosts = store.filter('post', {
  where: {
    status: {
      '==': 'published'
  limit: 2

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'published', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const publishedPosts = store
  .filter({ status: 'published' })

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'published', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const publishedPosts = store
    where: {
      status: {
        '==': 'published'

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'published', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);

const myPublishedPosts = store.filter('post', {
  where: {
    status: {
      '==': 'published'
    user_id: {



The Collection on which this query operates.

Type Since Source
Collection 3.0.0 Query.js, line 61


The current data result of this query.

Type Since Source
Array 3.0.0 Query.js, line 70


Whether to enable debug-level logs for this component. Anything that extends Component inherits this option and the corresponding logging functionality.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean 3.0.0
Component.js, line 28
Inherited From:

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Component } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const component = new Component();
component.log('debug', 'some message'); // nothing gets logged
// Display debug logs:
component.debug = true;
component.log('debug', 'other message'); // this DOES get logged


<static> extend(props, classProps)

Create a subclass of this Query:

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
props Object <optional>

Properties to add to the prototype of the subclass.

Name Type Argument Description
constructor Object <optional>

Provide a custom constructor function to be used as the subclass itself.

classProps Object <optional>

Static properties to add to the subclass.

Return value:
Type Description

Subclass of this Query class.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 1141

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Query } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

// Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.
class CustomQueryClass extends Query {
  foo () { return 'bar'; }
  static beep () { return 'boop'; }
const customQuery = new CustomQueryClass();

// Extend the class using alternate method.
const OtherQueryClass = Query.extend({
  foo () { return 'bar'; }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop'; }
const otherQuery = new OtherQueryClass();

// Extend the class, providing a custom constructor.
function AnotherQueryClass (collection) {, collection);
  this.created_at = new Date().getTime();
  constructor: AnotherQueryClass,
  foo () { return 'bar'; }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop'; }
const anotherQuery = new AnotherQueryClass();

between(leftKeys, rightKeys, opts)

Find all entities between two boundaries.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
leftKeys Array

Keys defining the left boundary.

rightKeys Array

Keys defining the right boundary.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
index String <optional>

Name of the secondary index to use in the query. If no index is specified, the main index is used.

leftInclusive Boolean <optional>

Whether to include entities on the left boundary.

rightInclusive Boolean <optional>

Whether to include entities on the left boundary.

limit Boolean <optional>

Limit the result to a certain number.

offset Boolean <optional>

The number of resulting entities to skip.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 164

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const users = [
  { name: 'Peter', age: 25, id: 1 },
  { name: 'Jim', age: 19, id: 2 },
  { name: 'Mike', age: 17, id: 3 },
  { name: 'Alan', age: 29, id: 4 },
  { name: 'Katie', age: 33, id: 5 }
store.add('user', users)
const filteredUsers = store
  .between(18, 30, { index: 'age' })

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const users = [
  { name: 'Peter', age: 25, id: 1 },
  { name: 'Jim', age: 19, id: 2 },
  { name: 'Mike', age: 17, id: 3 },
  { name: 'Alan', age: 29, id: 4 },
  { name: 'Katie', age: 33, id: 5 }
store.add('user', users)
const filteredUsers = store
  .between([18], [30], { index: 'age' })

compare(orderBy, index, a, b)

The comparison function used by the Query class.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
orderBy Array

An orderBy clause used for sorting and sub-sorting.

index Number

The index of the current orderBy clause being used.

a *

The first item in the comparison.

b *

The second item in the comparison.

Return value:
Type Description

-1 if b should preceed a. 0 if a and b are equal. 1 if a should preceed b.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 233


Log the provided values at the "debug" level. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

.dbg(...) is shorthand for .log('debug', ...).

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 122
Inherited From:

emit(event, args)

Trigger an event on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to emit.

args * <optional>

Arguments to pass to any listeners.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 200
Inherited From:

// import { Collection, DataStore } from 'js-data';
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { Collection, DataStore } = JSData;

const collection = new Collection();
collection.on('foo', function (msg) {
collection.emit('foo', 'bar');

const store = new DataStore();
store.on('beep', function (msg) {
store.emit('beep', 'boop');

evaluate(value, op, predicate)

Predicate evaluation function used by the Query class.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to evaluate.

op String

The operator to use in this evaluation.

predicate *

The predicate to use in this evaluation.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the value passed the evaluation or not.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 279

filter(queryOrFn, thisArg)

Find the record or records that match the provided query or are accepted by the provided filter function.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
queryOrFn Object | Function <optional>

Selection query or filter function.

thisArg Function <optional>

Context to which to bind queryOrFn if queryOrFn is a function.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 301

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'published', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'draft', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'published', id: 5 }
  { author: 'Peter', age: 25, status: 'deleted', id: 6 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 21, status: 'draft', id: 7 },
  { author: 'Jim', age: 27, status: 'draft', id: 8 },
  { author: 'Jim', age: 27, status: 'published', id: 9 },
  { author: 'Jason', age: 55, status: 'published', id: 10 }
store.add('post', posts);
const results = store
    where: {
      status: {
        '==': 'draft'
      age: {
        '<': 30

const posts = query
  .filter(function (post) {
    return post.isReady();

forEach(forEachFn, thisArg)

Iterate over all entities.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
forEachFn Function

Iteration function.

thisArg * <optional>

Context to which to bind forEachFn.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 672

get(keyList, opts)

Find the entity or entities that match the provided key.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
keyList Array

Key(s) defining the entity to retrieve. If keyList is not an array (i.e. for a single-value key), it will be wrapped in an array.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
string String <optional>

Name of the secondary index to use in the query. If no index is specified, the main index is used.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 686

const entities = query.get(25).run();

const entities = query.get([25]).run();

const activeAdmins = query.get(['active', 'admin'], {
  index: 'activityAndRoles'

const niceDays = query.get(['sunny', 'humid', 'calm'], {
  index: 'weatherConditions'

getAll(keyList, opts)

Find the entity or entities that match the provided keyLists.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
keyList Array <optional>

Provide one or more keyLists, and all entities matching each keyList will be retrieved. If no keyLists are provided, all entities will be returned.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
index String <optional>

Name of the secondary index to use in the query. If no index is specified, the main index is used.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 732

const posts = query.getAll('draft', 'inReview', { index: 'status' }).run();

const posts = query.getAll(['draft'], ['inReview'], { index: 'status' }).run();


Return the current data result of this query.

Return value:
Type Description

The data in this query.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 772

like(pattern, flags)

Implementation used by the like operator. Takes a pattern and flags and returns a RegExp instance that can test strings.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
pattern String

Testing pattern.

flags String

Flags for the regular expression.

Return value:
Type Description

Regular expression for testing strings.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 786


Limit the result.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
num Number

The maximum number of entities to keep in the result.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 800

const store = new JSData.DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'draft', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'draft', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'draft', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const results = store.query('post').limit(2).run();

log(level, args)

Log the provided values. By default sends values to console[level]. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

Will attempt to use appropriate console methods if they are available.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
level String

Log level.

args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 132
Inherited From:

map(mapFn, thisArg)

Apply a mapping function to the result data.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
mapFn Function

Mapping function.

thisArg * <optional>

Context to which to bind mapFn.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 831
const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const users = [
  { name: 'Peter', age: 25, id: 1 },
  { name: 'Jim', age: 19, id: 2 },
  { name: 'Mike', age: 17, id: 3 },
  { name: 'Alan', age: 29, id: 4 },
  { name: 'Katie', age: 33, id: 5 }
store.add('user', users);
const ages = store
  .map(function (user) {
    return user.age;


Return the result of calling the specified function on each item in this collection's main index.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
funcName String

Name of function to call

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 868
const stringAges = UserCollection.query().mapCall('toString').run();

off(event, listener)

Remove an event listener from this Component. If no listener is provided, then all listeners for the specified event will be removed. If no event is specified then all listeners for all events will be removed.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String <optional>

Name of event to unsubsribe to.

listener Function <optional>

Listener to remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 178
Inherited From:
// Remove a particular listener for a particular event'add', handler);
// Remove all listeners for a particular event'change');
// Remove all listeners to all events;

on(event, listener, ctx)

Register a new event listener on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to subsribe to.

listener Function

Listener function to handle the event.

ctx * <optional>

Optional content in which to invoke the listener.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 145
Inherited From:
// Listen for all "afterCreate" events in a DataStore
store.on('afterCreate', (mapperName, props, opts, result) => {
  console.log(mapperName); // "post"
  console.log(; // undefined
  console.log(; // 1234
store.create('post', { title: 'Modeling your data' }).then((post) => {
  console.log(; // 1234
// Listen for the "add" event on a collection
collection.on('add', (records) => {
  console.log(records); // [...]
// Listen for "change" events on a record
post.on('change', (record, changes) => {
  console.log(changes); // { changed: { title: 'Modeling your data' } }
post.title = 'Modeling your data';


Complete the execution of the query and return the resulting data.

Return value:
Type Description

The result of executing this query.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 888


Skip a number of results.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
num Number

The number of entities to skip.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Query.js, line 901

const JSData = require('js-data');
const { DataStore } = JSData;
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full);

const store = new DataStore();
const posts = [
  { author: 'John', age: 30, status: 'published', id: 1 },
  { author: 'Sally', age: 31, status: 'draft', id: 2 },
  { author: 'Mike', age: 32, status: 'draft', id: 3 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'deleted', id: 4 },
  { author: 'Adam', age: 33, status: 'draft', id: 5 }
store.add('post', posts);
const results = store.query('post').skip(2).run();