Namespace: utils


Utility methods used by JSData.

Type Source
Object utils.js, line 1
import {utils} from 'js-data'
console.log(utils.isString('foo')) // true


<static> Promise

Reference to the Promise constructor used by JSData. Defaults to window.Promise or global.Promise.

Type Since Source
Function 3.0.0 utils.js, line 68

Make JSData use a different `Promise` constructor

import Promise from 'bluebird'
import {utils} from 'js-data'
utils.Promise = Promise


<static> addHiddenPropsToTarget(target, props)

Define hidden (non-enumerable), writable properties on target from the provided props.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
target Object

That to which props should be added.

props Object

Properties to be added to target.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 175
import {utils} from 'js-data'
function Cat () {}
utils.addHiddenPropsToTarget(Cat.prototype, {
  say () {
const cat = new Cat()
cat.say() // "meow"

<static> areDifferent(a, b, opts)

Return whether the two objects are deeply different.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
a Object

Base object.

b Object

Comparison object.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
equalsFn Function <optional>

Equality function.

ignore Array <optional>

Array of strings or RegExp of fields to ignore.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the two objects are deeply different.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 206
import {utils} from 'js-data'
utils.areDifferent({}, {}) // false
utils.areDifferent({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }) // false
utils.areDifferent({ foo: 'bar' }, {}) // true

<static> classCallCheck(instance, ctor)

Verified that the given constructor is being invoked via new, as opposed to just being called like a normal function.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
instance *

Instance that is being constructed.

ctor Constructor

Constructor function used to construct the instance.


Throws an error if the constructor is being improperly invoked.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 234
import {utils} from 'js-data'
function Cat () {
  utils.classCallCheck(this, Cat)
const cat = new Cat() // this is ok
Cat() // this throws an error

<static> copy(from, to, stackFrom, stackTo, blacklist, plain)

Deep copy a value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
from *

Value to deep copy.

to * <optional>

Destination object for the copy operation.

stackFrom * <optional>

For internal use.

stackTo * <optional>

For internal use.

blacklist Array.<String> | Array.<RegExp> <optional>

List of strings or RegExp of properties to skip.

plain Boolean <optional>

Whether to make a plain copy (don't try to use original prototype).

Return value:
Type Description

Deep copy of from.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 281
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }
const b = utils.copy(a)
a === b // false
utils.areDifferent(a, b) // false

<static> deepEqual(a, b)

Check whether the two provided objects are deeply equal.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
a Object

First object in the comparison.

b Object

Second object in the comparison.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the two provided objects are deeply equal.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1194

<static> deepFillIn(dest, source)

Recursively shallow fill in own enumerable properties from source to dest.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
dest Object

The destination object.

source Object

The source object.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 356
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }
const b = { beep: 'bip' }
utils.deepFillIn(b, a)
console.log(b) // {"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"beep":"bip"}

<static> deepMixIn(dest, source)

Recursively shallow copy own enumerable properties from source to dest.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
dest Object

The destination object.

source Object

The source object.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 388
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }
const b = { beep: 'bip' }
utils.deepFillIn(b, a)
console.log(b) // {"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"beep":"boop"}

<static> diffObjects(newObject, oldObject, opts)

Return a diff of the base object to the comparison object.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
newObject Object

Comparison object.

oldObject Object

Base object.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
equalsFn Function <optional>

Equality function.

ignore Array <optional>

Array of strings or RegExp of fields to ignore.

Return value:
Type Description

The diff from the base object to the comparison object.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 419
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const oldObject = { foo: 'bar', a: 1234 }
const newObject = { beep: 'boop', a: 5678 }
const diff = utils.diffObjects(oldObject, newObject)
console.log(diff.added) // {"beep":"boop"}
console.log(diff.changed) // {"a":5678}
console.log(diff.removed) // {"foo":undefined}

<static> equal(a, b)

Return whether the two values are equal according to the == operator.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
a *

First value in the comparison.

b *

Second value in the comparison.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the two values are equal according to ==.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 487

<static> err(domain, target)

Produce a factory function for making Error objects with the provided metadata. Used throughout the various js-data components.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
domain String


target String


Return value:
Type Description

Factory function.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 500

<static> eventify(target, getter, setter)

Add eventing capabilities into the target object.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
target Object

Target object.

getter Function <optional>

Custom getter for retrieving the object's event listeners.

setter Function <optional>

Custom setter for setting the object's event listeners.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 519

<static> extend(props, props)

Used for sublcassing. Invoke this method in the context of a superclass to to produce a subclass based on props and classProps.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
props Object

Instance properties for the subclass.

Name Type Argument Description
constructor Object <optional>

Provide a custom constructor function to use as the subclass.

props Object

Static properties for the subclass.

Return value:
Type Description

A new subclass.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 588
import {utils} from 'js-data'
function Animal () {}
Animal.extend = utils.extend
const Cat = Animal.extend({
  say () {
const cat = new Cat()
cat instanceof Animal // true
cat instanceof Cat // true
cat.say() // "meow"

<static> fillIn(dest, source)

Shallow copy own enumerable properties from src to dest that are on src but are missing from `dest.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
dest Object

The destination object.

source Object

The source object.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 665
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { foo: 'bar', beep: 'boop' }
const b = { beep: 'bip' }
utils.fillIn(b, a)
console.log(b) // {"foo":"bar","beep":"bip"}

<static> findIndex(array, fn)

Find the last index of something according to the given checker function.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
array Array

The array to search.

fn Function

Checker function.

Return value:
Type Description

Index if found or -1 if not found.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 691

<static> forEachRelation(mapper, opts, fn, thisArg)

Recursively iterate over a Mapper's relations according to opts.with.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
mapper Mapper


opts Object

Configuration options.

fn Function

Callback function.

thisArg *

Execution context for the callback function.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 714

<static> forOwn(object, fn, thisArg)

Iterate over an object's own enumerable properties.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
object Object

The object whose properties are to be enumerated.

fn Function

Iteration function.

thisArg Object <optional>

Content to which to bind fn.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 735
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { b: 1, c: 4 }
let sum = 0
utils.forOwn(a, function (value, key) {
  sum += value
console.log(sum) // 5

<static> fromJson(json)

Proxy for JSON.parse.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
json String

JSON to parse.

Return value:
Type Description

Parsed object.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 762

<static> get(object, prop)

Retrieve the specified property from the given object. Supports retrieving nested properties.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
object Object

Object from which to retrieve a property's value.

prop String

Property to retrieve.

Return value:
Type Description

Value of the specified property.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 775
import {utils} from 'js-data'
const a = { foo: { bar: 'baz' }, beep: 'boop' }
console.log(utils.get(a, 'beep')) // "boop"
console.log(utils.get(a, '')) // "bar"

<static> getSuper(instance, isCtor)

Return the superclass for the given instance or subclass. If an instance is provided, then finds the parent class of the instance's constructor.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
instance Object | Function

Instance or constructor.

isCtor Boolean <optional>

Whether instance is a constructor.

Return value:
Type Description

The superclass (grandparent constructor).

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 809

<static> intersection(array1, array2)

Return the intersection of two arrays.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
array1 Array

First array.

array2 Array

Second array.

Return value:
Type Description

Array of elements common to both arrays.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 827

<static> isArray(value)

Proxy for Array.isArray.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is an array.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 856

<static> isBlacklisted(prop, blacklist)

Return whether prop is matched by any string or regular expression in blacklist.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
prop String

The name of a property to check.

blacklist Array

Array of strings and regular expressions.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether prop was matched.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 866

<static> isBoolean(value)

Return whether the provided value is a boolean.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a boolean.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 890

<static> isDate(value)

Return whether the provided value is a date.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a date.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 902

<static> isFunction(value)

Return whether the provided value is a function.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a function.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 914

<static> isInteger(value)

Return whether the provided value is an integer.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is an integer.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 926

<static> isNull(value)

Return whether the provided value is null.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is null.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 938

<static> isNumber(value)

Return whether the provided value is a number.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a number.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 950

<static> isObject(value)

Return whether the provided value is an object.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is an object.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 963

<static> isRegExp(value)

Return whether the provided value is a regular expression.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a regular expression.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 975

<static> isSorN(value)

Return whether the provided value is a string or a number.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a string or a number.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 987

<static> isString(value)

Return whether the provided value is a string.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a string.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 999

<static> isUndefined(value)

Return whether the provided value is a undefined.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to test.

Return value:
Type Description

Whether the provided value is a undefined.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1011

<static> logify(target)

Mix in logging capabilities to the target.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
target *

The target.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1023

<static> noDupeAdd(array, record, fn)

Adds the given record to the provided array only if it's not already in the array.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
array Array

The array.

record *

The value to add.

fn Function

Callback function passed to utils.findIndex.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1053

<static> omit(props, keys)

Return a shallow copy of the provided object, minus the properties specified in keys.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
props Object

The object to copy.

keys Array.<String>

Array of strings, representing properties to skip.

Return value:
Type Description

Shallow copy of props, minus keys.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1073

<static> pick(props, keys)

Return a shallow copy of the provided object, but only include the properties specified in keys.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
props Object

The object to copy.

keys Array.<String>

Array of strings, representing properties to keep.

Return value:
Type Description

Shallow copy of props, but only including keys.

Since Source
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1093

<static> plainCopy(value)

Return a plain copy of the given value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

The value to copy.

Return value:
Type Description

Plain copy of value.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1113

<static> reject(value)

Shortcut for utils.Promise.reject(value).

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
value * <optional>

Value with which to reject the Promise.

Return value:
Type Description

Promise reject with value.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1126

<static> remove(array, fn)

Remove the last item found in array according to the given checker function.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
array Array

The array to search.

fn Function

Checker function.

utils.js, line 1139

<static> set(object, path, value)

Set the value at the provided key or path.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
object Object

The object on which to set a property.

path String | Object

The key or path to the property. Can also pass in an object of path/value pairs, which will all be set on the target object.

value * <optional>

The value to set.

utils.js, line 1169

<static> toJson(value)

Proxy for JSON.stringify.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
value *

Value to serialize to JSON.

Return value:
Type Description

JSON string.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1232

<static> unset(object, path)

Unset the value at the provided key or path.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
object Object

The object from which to delete the property.

path String

The key or path to the property.

Since Source See
3.0.0 utils.js, line 1243