Source: DataStore.js

import utils from './utils'
import {
} from './decorators'
import {proxiedMapperMethods, Container} from './Container'
import LinkedCollection from './LinkedCollection'

const DOMAIN = 'DataStore'
const proxiedCollectionMethods = [
const ownMethodsForScoping = [

const safeSet = function (record, field, value) {
  if (record && record._set) {
    record._set(`props.${field}`, value)
  } else {
    utils.set(record, field, value)

const cachedFn = function (name, hashOrId, opts) {
  const cached = this._completedQueries[name][hashOrId]
  if (utils.isFunction(cached)) {
    return cached(name, hashOrId, opts)
  return cached

function DataStore (opts) {
  utils.classCallCheck(this, DataStore), opts)

  this.collectionClass = this.collectionClass || LinkedCollection
  this._collections = {}
  this._pendingQueries = {}
  this._completedQueries = {}
  return this

 * The `DataStore` class is an extension of {@link Container}. Not only does
 * `DataStore` manage mappers, but also collections. `DataStore` implements the
 * asynchronous {@link Mapper} methods, such as {@link Mapper#find} and
 * {@link Mapper#create}. If you use the asynchronous `DataStore` methods
 * instead of calling them directly on the mappers, then the results of the
 * method calls will be inserted into the store's collections. You can think of
 * a `DataStore` as an [Identity Map](
 * for the [ORM](
 * (the Mappers).
 * ```javascript
 * import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
 * ```
 * @example
 * import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
 * import HttpAdapter from 'js-data-http'
 * const store = new DataStore()
 * // DataStore#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
 * // Mapper.
 * const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
 * // DataStore#as returns the store scoped to a particular Mapper.
 * const UserStore ='user')
 * // Call "find" on "UserMapper" (Stateless ORM)
 * UserMapper.find(1).then((user) => {
 *   // retrieved a "user" record via the http adapter, but that's it
 *   // Call "find" on "store" targeting "user" (Stateful DataStore)
 *   return store.find('user', 1) // same as "UserStore.find(1)"
 * }).then((user) => {
 *   // not only was a "user" record retrieved, but it was added to the
 *   // store's "user" collection
 *   const cachedUser = store.getCollection('user').get(1)
 *   console.log(user === cachedUser) // true
 * })
 * @class DataStore
 * @extends Container
 * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options. See {@link Container}.
 * @returns {DataStore}
 * @see Container
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @tutorial ["","Components of JSData: DataStore"]
 * @tutorial ["","Working with the DataStore"]
 * @tutorial ["","Notes on using JSData in the Browser"]
const props = {
  constructor: DataStore,

  _callSuper (method, ...args) {
    return this.constructor.__super__.prototype[method].apply(this, args)

   * TODO
   * @method DataStore#_end
   * @private
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link LinkedCollection} to which to
   * add the data.
   * @param {Object} data TODO.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @returns {(Object|Array)} Result.
  _end (name, result, opts) {
    let data = opts.raw ? : result
    if (data && utils.isFunction(this.addToCache)) {
      data = this.addToCache(name, data, opts)
      if (opts.raw) { = data
      } else {
        result = data
    return result

   * Register a new event listener on this DataStore.
   * Proxy for {@link Container#on}. If an event was emitted by a Mapper or
   * Collection in the DataStore, then the name of the Mapper or Collection will
   * be prepended to the arugments passed to the provided event handler.
   * @method DataStore#on
   * @param {string} event Name of event to subsribe to.
   * @param {Function} listener Listener function to handle the event.
   * @param {*} [ctx] Optional content in which to invoke the listener.

   * Used to bind to events emitted by collections in this store.
   * @method DataStore#_onCollectionEvent
   * @private
   * @param {string} name Name of the collection that emitted the event.
   * @param {...*} [args] Args passed to {@link Collection#emit}.
  _onCollectionEvent (name, ...args) {
    const type = args.shift()
    this.emit(type, name, ...args)

   * TODO
   * @method DataStore#addToCache
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {*} data Data from which data should be selected for add.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
  addToCache (name, data, opts) {
    return this.getCollection(name).add(data, opts)

   * Return a store scoped to a particular mapper/collection pair.
   * @example
   * import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
   * const store = new DataStore()
   * const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
   * const UserStore ='user')
   * const user1 = store.createRecord('user', { name: 'John' })
   * const user2 = UserStore.createRecord({ name: 'John' })
   * const user3 = UserMapper.createRecord({ name: 'John' })
   * assert.deepEqual(user1, user2)
   * assert.deepEqual(user2, user3)
   * assert.deepEqual(user1, user3)
   * @method DataStore#as
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper}.
   * @returns {Object} A store scoped to a particular mapper/collection pair.
   * @since 3.0.0
  as (name) {
    const props = {}
    ownMethodsForScoping.forEach(function (method) {
      props[method] = {
        writable: true,
        value: function (...args) {
          return this[method](name, ...args)
    proxiedMapperMethods.forEach(function (method) {
      props[method] = {
        writable: true,
        value: function (...args) {
          return this.getMapper(name)[method](...args)
    props.getMapper = {
      writable: true,
      value: () => this.getMapper(name)
    proxiedCollectionMethods.forEach(function (method) {
      props[method] = {
        writable: true,
        value: function (...args) {
          return this.getCollection(name)[method](...args)
    props.getCollection = {
      writable: true,
      value: () => this.getCollection(name)
    return Object.create(this, props)

   * Retrieve a cached `find` result, if any.
   * @method DataStore#cachedFind
   * @param {string} name The `name` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @param {(string|number)} id The `id` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @param {Object} opts The `opts` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @since 3.0.0
  cachedFind: cachedFn,

   * Retrieve a cached `findAll` result, if any.
   * @method DataStore#cachedFindAll
   * @param {string} name The `name` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @param {string} hash The result of calling {@link DataStore#hashQuery} on
   * the `query` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @param {Object} opts The `opts` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @since 3.0.0
  cachedFindAll: cachedFn,

   * Cache a `find` result. The default implementation does the following:
   * ```
   * // Find and return the record from the data store
   * return this.get(name, id)
   * ```
   * Override this method to customize.
   * @method DataStore#cacheFind
   * @param {string} name The `name` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @param {*} data The result to cache.
   * @param {(string|number)} id The `id` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @param {Object} opts The `opts` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}.
   * @since 3.0.0
  cacheFind (name, data, id, opts) {
    this._completedQueries[name][id] = (name, id, opts) => this.get(name, id)

   * Cache a `findAll` result. The default implementation does the following:
   * ```
   * // Find and return the records from the data store
   * return this.filter(name, utils.fromJson(hash))
   * ```
   * Override this method to customize.
   * @method DataStore#cacheFindAll
   * @param {string} name The `name` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @param {*} data The result to cache.
   * @param {string} hash The result of calling {@link DataStore#hashQuery} on
   * the `query` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @param {Object} opts The `opts` argument passed to {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @since 3.0.0
  cacheFindAll (name, data, hash, opts) {
    this._completedQueries[name][hash] = (name, hash, opts) => this.filter(name, utils.fromJson(hash))

  clear () {
    const removed = {}
    utils.forOwn(this._collections, (collection, name) => {
      removed[name] = collection.removeAll()
    return removed

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#create}. Adds the created to the store.
   * @method DataStore#create
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {Object} record Passed to {@link Mapper#create}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#create}. See
   * {@link Mapper#create} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result of the create.
   * @since 3.0.0
  create (name, record, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('create', name, record, opts)
      .then((result) => this._end(name, result, opts))

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#createMany}. Adds the created records to the
   * store.
   * @method DataStore#createMany
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {Array} records Passed to {@link Mapper#createMany}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#createMany}. See
   * {@link Mapper#createMany} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result of the create.
   * @since 3.0.0
  createMany (name, records, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('createMany', name, records, opts)
      .then((result) => this._end(name, result, opts))

  defineMapper (name, opts) {
    // Complexity of this method is beyond simply using => functions to bind context
    const self = this
    const mapper = utils.getSuper(self), name, opts)
    self._pendingQueries[name] = {}
    self._completedQueries[name] = {}
    mapper.relationList || Object.defineProperty(mapper, 'relationList', { value: [] })

    // The datastore uses a subclass of Collection that is "datastore-aware"
    const collection = self._collections[name] = new self.collectionClass(null, { // eslint-disable-line
      // Make sure the collection has somewhere to store "added" timestamps
      _added: {},
      // Give the collection a reference to this datastore
      datastore: self,
      // The mapper tied to the collection

    const schema = mapper.schema || {}
    const properties = || {}
    // TODO: Make it possible index nested properties?
    utils.forOwn(properties, function (opts, prop) {
      if (opts.indexed) {

    // Create a secondary index on the "added" timestamps of records in the
    // collection
    collection.createIndex('addedTimestamps', ['$'], {
      fieldGetter (obj) {
        return collection._added[collection.recordId(obj)]

    collection.on('all', function (...args) {
      self._onCollectionEvent(name, ...args)

    const idAttribute = mapper.idAttribute

    mapper.relationList.forEach(function (def) {
      const relation = def.relation
      const localField = def.localField
      const path = `links.${localField}`
      const foreignKey = def.foreignKey
      const type = def.type
      const updateOpts = { index: foreignKey }
      let descriptor

      const getter = function () { return this._get(path) }

      if (type === belongsToType) {
        if (!collection.indexes[foreignKey]) {

        descriptor = {
          get: getter,
          set (record) {
            const _self = this
            const current = this._get(path)
            if (record === current) {
              return current
            const id = utils.get(_self, idAttribute)
            const inverseDef = def.getInverse(mapper)

            if (record) {
              const relatedIdAttribute = def.getRelation().idAttribute
              const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)

              // Prefer store record
              if (!utils.isUndefined(relatedId)) {
                record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record

              // Set locals
              _self._set(path, record)
              safeSet(_self, foreignKey, relatedId)
              collection.updateIndex(_self, updateOpts)

              // Update (set) inverse relation
              if (inverseDef.type === hasOneType) {
                utils.set(record, inverseDef.localField, _self)
              } else if (inverseDef.type === hasManyType) {
                const children = utils.get(record, inverseDef.localField)
                utils.noDupeAdd(children, _self, function (_record) {
                  return id === utils.get(_record, idAttribute)
            } else {
              // Unset locals
              _self._set(path, undefined)
              safeSet(_self, foreignKey, undefined)
              collection.updateIndex(_self, updateOpts)
            if (current) {
              if (inverseDef.type === hasOneType) {
                utils.set(current, inverseDef.localField, undefined)
              } else if (inverseDef.type === hasManyType) {
                const children = utils.get(current, inverseDef.localField)
                utils.remove(children, function (_record) {
                  return id === utils.get(_record, idAttribute)
            return record

        let foreignKeyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mapper.recordClass.prototype, foreignKey)
        if (!foreignKeyDescriptor) {
          foreignKeyDescriptor = {
            enumerable: true
        const originalGet = foreignKeyDescriptor.get
        foreignKeyDescriptor.get = function () {
          if (originalGet) {
          return this._get(`props.${foreignKey}`)
        const originalSet = foreignKeyDescriptor.set
        foreignKeyDescriptor.set = function (value) {
          if (originalSet) {
  , value)
          if (utils.isUndefined(value)) {
            // Unset locals
            utils.set(this, localField, undefined)
          } else {
            safeSet(this, foreignKey, value)
            let storeRecord = self.get(relation, value)
            if (storeRecord) {
              utils.set(this, localField, storeRecord)
        Object.defineProperty(mapper.recordClass.prototype, foreignKey, foreignKeyDescriptor)
      } else if (type === hasManyType) {
        const localKeys = def.localKeys
        const foreignKeys = def.foreignKeys

        // TODO: Handle case when belongsTo relation isn't ever defined
        if (self._collections[relation] && foreignKey && !self.getCollection(relation).indexes[foreignKey]) {

        descriptor = {
          get () {
            const _self = this
            let current =
            if (!current) {
              _self._set(path, [])
          set (records) {
            const _self = this
            records || (records = [])
            if (records && !utils.isArray(records)) {
              records = [records]
            const id = utils.get(_self, idAttribute)
            const relatedIdAttribute = def.getRelation().idAttribute
            const inverseDef = def.getInverse(mapper)
            const inverseLocalField = inverseDef.localField
            let linked = _self._get(path)
            if (!linked) {
              linked = []

            const current = linked
            linked = []
            const toLink = {}
            records.forEach(function (record) {
              const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
              if (!utils.isUndefined(relatedId)) {
                // Prefer store record
                record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record
                toLink[relatedId] = record
            if (foreignKey) {
              records.forEach(function (record) {
                // Update (set) inverse relation
                safeSet(record, foreignKey, id)
                self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
                utils.set(record, inverseLocalField, _self)
              current.forEach(function (record) {
                const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
                if (!utils.isUndefined(relatedId) && !toLink.hasOwnProperty(relatedId)) {
                  // Update (unset) inverse relation
                  safeSet(record, foreignKey, undefined)
                  self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
                  utils.set(record, inverseLocalField, undefined)
            } else if (localKeys) {
              const _localKeys = []
              records.forEach(function (record) {
                // Update (set) inverse relation
                utils.set(record, inverseLocalField, _self)
                _localKeys.push(utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute))
              // Update locals
              utils.set(_self, localKeys, _localKeys)
              // Update (unset) inverse relation
              current.forEach(function (record) {
                const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
                if (!utils.isUndefined(relatedId) && !toLink.hasOwnProperty(relatedId)) {
                  // Update inverse relation
                  utils.set(record, inverseLocalField, undefined)
            } else if (foreignKeys) {
              // Update (unset) inverse relation
              current.forEach(function (record) {
                const _localKeys = utils.get(record, foreignKeys) || []
                utils.remove(_localKeys, function (_key) {
                  return id === _key
                const _localField = utils.get(record, inverseLocalField) || []
                utils.remove(_localField, function (_record) {
                  return id === utils.get(_record, idAttribute)
              // Update (set) inverse relation
              records.forEach(function (record) {
                const _localKeys = utils.get(record, foreignKeys) || []
                utils.noDupeAdd(_localKeys, id, function (_key) {
                  return id === _key
                const _localField = utils.get(record, inverseLocalField) || []
                utils.noDupeAdd(_localField, _self, function (_record) {
                  return id === utils.get(_record, idAttribute)

            _self._set(path, linked)
            return linked
      } else if (type === hasOneType) {
        // TODO: Handle case when belongsTo relation isn't ever defined
        if (self._collections[relation] && foreignKey && !self.getCollection(relation).indexes[foreignKey]) {
        descriptor = {
          get: getter,
          set (record) {
            const _self = this
            const current = this._get(path)
            if (record === current) {
              return current
            const relatedId = utils.get(record, def.getRelation().idAttribute)
            const inverseLocalField = def.getInverse(mapper).localField
            // Update (unset) inverse relation
            if (current) {
              safeSet(current, foreignKey, undefined)
              self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(current, updateOpts)
              utils.set(current, inverseLocalField, undefined)
            if (record) {
              // Prefer store record
              if (!utils.isUndefined(relatedId)) {
                record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record

              // Set locals
              _self._set(path, record)

              // Update (set) inverse relation
              safeSet(record, foreignKey, utils.get(_self, idAttribute))
              self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
              utils.set(record, inverseLocalField, _self)
            } else {
              // Set locals
              _self._set(path, undefined)
            return record

      if (descriptor) {
        descriptor.enumerable = utils.isUndefined(def.enumerable) ? false : def.enumerable
        if (def.get) {
          let origGet = descriptor.get
          descriptor.get = function () {
            return def.get(def, this, (...args) => origGet.apply(this, args))
        if (def.set) {
          let origSet = descriptor.set
          descriptor.set = function (related) {
            return def.set(def, this, related, (value) =>, value === undefined ? related : value))
        Object.defineProperty(mapper.recordClass.prototype, localField, descriptor)

    return mapper

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#destroy}. Removes any destroyed record from the
   * store.
   * @method DataStore#destroy
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Passed to {@link Mapper#destroy}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#destroy}. See
   * {@link Mapper#destroy} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves when the delete completes.
   * @since 3.0.0
  destroy (name, id, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('destroy', name, id, opts).then((result) => {
      if (opts.raw) { = this.getCollection(name).remove(id, opts)
      } else {
        result = this.getCollection(name).remove(id, opts)
      delete this._pendingQueries[name][id]
      delete this._completedQueries[name][id]
      return result

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#destroyAll}. Removes any destroyed records from
   * the store.
   * @method DataStore#destroyAll
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {Object} [query] Passed to {@link Mapper#destroyAll}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#destroyAll}. See
   * {@link Mapper#destroyAll} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves when the delete completes.
   * @since 3.0.0
  destroyAll (name, query, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('destroyAll', name, query, opts).then((result) => {
      if (opts.raw) { = this.getCollection(name).removeAll(query, opts)
      } else {
        result = this.getCollection(name).removeAll(query, opts)
      const hash = this.hashQuery(name, query, opts)
      delete this._pendingQueries[name][hash]
      delete this._completedQueries[name][hash]
      return result

  eject (name, id, opts) {
    console.warn('DEPRECATED: "eject" is deprecated, use "remove" instead')
    return this.remove(name, id, opts)

  ejectAll (name, query, opts) {
    console.warn('DEPRECATED: "ejectAll" is deprecated, use "removeAll" instead')
    return this.removeAll(name, query, opts)

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#find}. Adds any found record to the store.
   * @method DataStore#find
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Passed to {@link Mapper#find}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#find}.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result, if any.
   * @since 3.0.0
  find (name, id, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    const pendingQuery = this._pendingQueries[name][id]

    utils.fillIn(opts, this.getMapper(name))

    if (pendingQuery) {
      return pendingQuery
    const item = this.cachedFind(name, id, opts)
    let promise

    if (opts.force || !item) {
      promise = this._pendingQueries[name][id] = this._callSuper('find', name, id, opts).then((result) => {
        delete this._pendingQueries[name][id]
        result = this._end(name, result, opts)
        this.cacheFind(name, result, id, opts)
        return result
      }, (err) => {
        delete this._pendingQueries[name][id]
        return utils.reject(err)
    } else {
      promise = utils.resolve(item)
    return promise

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#findAll}. Adds any found records to the store.
   * @method DataStore#findAll
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {Object} [query] Passed to {@link Model.findAll}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Model.findAll}.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result, if any.
   * @since 3.0.0
  findAll (name, query, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    const hash = this.hashQuery(name, query, opts)
    const pendingQuery = this._pendingQueries[name][hash]

    utils.fillIn(opts, this.getMapper(name))

    if (pendingQuery) {
      return pendingQuery

    const items = this.cachedFindAll(name, hash, opts)
    let promise

    if (opts.force || !items) {
      promise = this._pendingQueries[name][hash] = this._callSuper('findAll', name, query, opts).then((result) => {
        delete this._pendingQueries[name][hash]
        result = this._end(name, result, opts)
        this.cacheFindAll(name, result, hash, opts)
        return result
      }, (err) => {
        delete this._pendingQueries[name][hash]
        return utils.reject(err)
    } else {
      promise = utils.resolve(items)
    return promise

   * Return the {@link LinkedCollection} with the given name.
   * @method DataStore#getCollection
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link LinkedCollection} to retrieve.
   * @returns {LinkedCollection}
   * @since 3.0.0
   * @throws {Error} Thrown if the specified {@link LinkedCollection} does not
   * exist.
  getCollection (name) {
    const collection = this._collections[name]
    if (!collection) {
      throw utils.err(`${DOMAIN}#getCollection`, name)(404, 'collection')
    return collection

   * Hashing function used to cache {@link DataStore#find} and
   * {@link DataStore#findAll} requests. This method simply JSONifies the
   * `query` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find} or
   * {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * Override this method for custom hashing behavior.
   * @method DataStore#hashQuery
   * @param {string} name The `name` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}
   * or {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @param {Object} query The `query` argument passed to {@link DataStore#find}
   * or {@link DataStore#findAll}.
   * @returns {string} The JSONified `query`.
   * @since 3.0.0
  hashQuery (name, query, opts) {
    return utils.toJson(query)

  inject (name, records, opts) {
    console.warn('DEPRECATED: "inject" is deprecated, use "add" instead')
    return this.add(name, records, opts)

   * Wrapper for {@link LinkedCollection#remove}. Removes the specified
   * {@link Record} from the store.
   * @method DataStore#remove
   * @param {string} name The name of the {@link LinkedCollection} to target.
   * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the {@link Record} to remove.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with] Relations of the {@link Record} to also
   * remove from the store.
   * @returns {Record} The removed {@link Record}, if any.
   * @since 3.0.0
  remove (name, id, opts) {
    const record = this.getCollection(name).remove(id, opts)
    if (record) {
      this.removeRelated(name, [record], opts)
    return record

   * Wrapper for {@link LinkedCollection#removeAll}. Removes the selected
   * {@link Record}s from the store.
   * @method DataStore#removeAll
   * @param {string} name The name of the {@link LinkedCollection} to target.
   * @param {Object} [query={}] Selection query. See {@link query}.
   * @param {Object} [query.where] See {@link query.where}.
   * @param {number} [query.offset] See {@link query.offset}.
   * @param {number} [query.limit] See {@link query.limit}.
   * @param {string|Array[]} [query.orderBy] See {@link query.orderBy}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with] Relations of the {@link Record} to also
   * remove from the store.
   * @returns {Record} The removed {@link Record}s, if any.
   * @since 3.0.0
  removeAll (name, query, opts) {
    const records = this.getCollection(name).removeAll(query, opts)
    if (records.length) {
      this.removeRelated(name, records, opts)
    return records

   * Remove from the store {@link Record}s that are related to the provided
   * {@link Record}(s).
   * @method DataStore#removeRelated
   * @param {string} name The name of the {@link LinkedCollection} to target.
   * @param {Record|Record[]} records {@link Record}s whose relations are to be
   * removed.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with] Relations of the {@link Record}(s) to remove
   * from the store.
   * @since 3.0.0
  removeRelated (name, records, opts) {
    if (!utils.isArray(records)) {
      records = [records]
    utils.forEachRelation(this.getMapper(name), opts, (def, optsCopy) => {
      records.forEach((record) => {
        let relatedData
        let query
        if (def.foreignKey && (def.type === hasOneType || def.type === hasManyType)) {
          query = { [def.foreignKey]: def.getForeignKey(record) }
        } else if (def.type === hasManyType && def.localKeys) {
          query = {
            where: {
              [def.getRelation().idAttribute]: {
                'in': utils.get(record, def.localKeys)
        } else if (def.type === hasManyType && def.foreignKeys) {
          query = {
            where: {
              [def.foreignKeys]: {
                'contains': def.getForeignKey(record)
        } else if (def.type === belongsToType) {
          relatedData = this.remove(def.relation, def.getForeignKey(record), optsCopy)
        if (query) {
          relatedData = this.removeAll(def.relation, query, optsCopy)
        if (relatedData) {
          if (utils.isArray(relatedData) && !relatedData.length) {
          if (def.type === hasOneType) {
            relatedData = relatedData[0]
          def.setLocalField(record, relatedData)

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#update}. Adds the updated {@link Record} to the
   * store.
   * @method DataStore#update
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Passed to {@link Mapper#update}.
   * @param {Object} record Passed to {@link Mapper#update}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#update}. See
   * {@link Mapper#update} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result of the update.
   * @since 3.0.0
  update (name, id, record, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('update', name, id, record, opts)
      .then((result) => this._end(name, result, opts))

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#updateAll}. Adds the updated {@link Record}s to
   * the store.
   * @method DataStore#updateAll
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {Object} props Passed to {@link Mapper#updateAll}.
   * @param {Object} [query] Passed to {@link Mapper#updateAll}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#updateAll}. See
   * {@link Mapper#updateAll} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result of the update.
   * @since 3.0.0
  updateAll (name, props, query, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('updateAll', name, query, props, opts)
      .then((result) => this._end(name, result, opts))

   * Wrapper for {@link Mapper#updateMany}. Adds the updated {@link Record}s to
   * the store.
   * @method DataStore#updateMany
   * @param {string} name Name of the {@link Mapper} to target.
   * @param {(Object[]|Record[])} records Passed to {@link Mapper#updateMany}.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Passed to {@link Mapper#updateMany}. See
   * {@link Mapper#updateMany} for more configuration options.
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the result of the update.
   * @since 3.0.0
  updateMany (name, records, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return this._callSuper('updateMany', name, records, opts)
      .then((result) => this._end(name, result, opts))

proxiedCollectionMethods.forEach(function (method) {
  props[method] = function (name, ...args) {
    return this.getCollection(name)[method](...args)

export default Container.extend(props)

 * Create a subclass of this DataStore.
 * @example <caption>Extend the class in a cross-browser manner.</caption>
 * import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
 * const CustomDataStoreClass = DataStore.extend({
 *   foo () { return 'bar' }
 * })
 * const customDataStore = new CustomDataStoreClass()
 * console.log( // "bar"
 * @example <caption>Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.</caption>
 * class CustomDataStoreClass extends DataStore {
 *   foo () { return 'bar' }
 * }
 * const customDataStore = new CustomDataStoreClass()
 * console.log( // "bar"
 * @method DataStore.extend
 * @param {Object} [props={}] Properties to add to the prototype of the
 * subclass.
 * @param {Object} [classProps={}] Static properties to add to the subclass.
 * @returns {Constructor} Subclass of this DataStore.
 * @since 3.0.0