Class: LinkedCollection


new LinkedCollection(records, opts)


import {LinkedCollection} from 'js-data'
Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
records Array <optional>

Initial set of records to insert into the collection. See Collection.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. See Collection.

Return value:
Type Description
Mapper Unspecified
LinkedCollection.js, line 7


This class extends the Collection class.



Event listeners attached to this Component. Do not modify. Use Component#on and Component#off instead.

Type Since Source
Object 3.0.0 Component.js, line 7
Inherited From:


Whether to call Record#commit on records that are added to the collection and already exist in the collection.

Type Default value Source
Collection.js, line 9
Inherited From:


Field to be used as the unique identifier for records in this collection. Defaults to "id" unless Collection#mapper is set, in which case this will default to Mapper#idAttribute.

Type Default value Source
Collection.js, line 19
Inherited From:


The main index, which uses @{link Collection#recordId} as the key.

Type Source
Index Collection.js, line 137
Inherited From:


Object that holds the secondary indexes of this collection.

Type Source
Object.<string, Index> Collection.js, line 151
Inherited From:


Default Mapper for this collection. Optional. If a Mapper is provided, then the collection will use the Mapper#idAttribute setting, and will wrap records in Mapper#recordClass.

Type Since Default value Source
Mapper 3.0.0
Collection.js, line 94
Inherited From:
import {Collection, Mapper} from 'js-data'

class MyMapperClass extends Mapper {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
const myMapper = new MyMapperClass()
const collection = new Collection(null, { mapper: myMapper })


What to do when inserting a record into this Collection that shares a primary key with a record already in this Collection.

Possible values: merge replace


Recursively shallow copy properties from the new record onto the existing record.


Shallow copy top-level properties from the new record onto the existing record. Any top-level own properties of the existing record that are not on the new record will be removed.

Type Default value Source
Collection.js, line 30
Inherited From:


<static> extend(props, classProps)

Create a subclass of this LinkedCollection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
props Object <optional>

Properties to add to the prototype of the subclass.

classProps Object <optional>

Static properties to add to the subclass.

Return value:
Type Description

Subclass of this LinkedCollection class.

Since Source
3.0.0 LinkedCollection.js, line 113

Extend the class in a cross-browser manner.

import {LinkedCollection} from 'js-data'
const CustomLinkedCollectionClass = LinkedCollection.extend({
  foo () { return 'bar' }
const customLinkedCollection = new CustomLinkedCollectionClass()
console.log( // "bar"

Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.

class CustomLinkedCollectionClass extends LinkedCollection {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
const customLinkedCollection = new CustomLinkedCollectionClass()
console.log( // "bar"

add(data, opts)

Insert the provided record or records.

If a record is already in the collection then the provided record will either merge with or replace the existing record based on the value of the onConflict option.

The collection's secondary indexes will be updated as each record is visited.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
data Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

The record or records to insert.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
commitOnMerge Boolean <optional>

See Collection#commitOnMerge.

onConflict String <optional>

See Collection#onConflict.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

The added record or records.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 183
Inherited From:

afterRemove(id, opts, record)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#remove. If this method returns a value then Collection#remove will return that same value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
id String | Number

The id argument passed to Collection#remove.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#remove.

record Object

The result that will be returned by Collection#remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 294
Inherited From:

afterRemoveAll(query, opts, records)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#removeAll. If this method returns a value then Collection#removeAll will return that same value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
query Object

The query argument passed to Collection#removeAll.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#removeAll.

records Object

The result that will be returned by Collection#removeAll.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 306
Inherited From:

beforeAdd(records, opts)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#add. If this method returns a value then the records argument in Collection#add will be re-assigned to the returned value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
records Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

The records argument passed to Collection#add.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#add.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 319
Inherited From:

beforeRemove(id, opts)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#remove.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
id String | Number

The id argument passed to Collection#remove.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 331
Inherited From:

beforeRemoveAll(query, opts)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#removeAll.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
query Object

The query argument passed to Collection#removeAll.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#removeAll.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 341
Inherited From:

between(leftKeys, rightKeys, opts)

Find all records between two boundaries.

Shortcut for collection.query().between(18, 30, { index: 'age' }).run()

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
leftKeys Array

Keys defining the left boundary.

rightKeys Array

Keys defining the right boundary.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
index String <optional>

Name of the secondary index to use in the query. If no index is specified, the main index is used.

leftInclusive Boolean <optional>

Whether to include records on the left boundary.

rightInclusive Boolean <optional>

Whether to include records on the left boundary.

limit Boolean <optional>

Limit the result to a certain number.

offset Boolean <optional>

The number of resulting records to skip.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 351
Inherited From:

Get all users ages 18 to 30

const users = collection.between(18, 30, { index: 'age' })

Same as above

const users = collection.between([18], [30], { index: 'age' })

createIndex(name, fieldList)

Create a new secondary index on the contents of the collection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

The name of the new secondary index.

fieldList Array.<String> <optional>

Array of field names to use as the key or compound key of the new secondary index. If no fieldList is provided, then the name will also be the field that is used to index the collection.

Return value:
Type Description

A reference to itself for chaining.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 381
Inherited From:

Index users by age


Index users by status and role

collection.createIndex('statusAndRole', ['status', 'role'])


Log the provided values at the "debug" level.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 32
Inherited From:

emit(event, args)

Trigger an event on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to emit.

args * <optional>

Arguments to pass to any listeners.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 98
Inherited From:
collection.on('foo', (msg) => {
  console.log(msg) // "bar"
collection.emit('foo', 'bar')
store.on('foo', (msg, val1, val2) => {
  console.log(msg, val1, val2) // "bar" "beep" "boop"
store.emit('foo', 'bar', 'beep', 'boop')

filter(queryOrFn, thisArg)

Find the record or records that match the provided query or pass the provided filter function.

Shortcut for collection.query().filter(queryOrFn[, thisArg]).run()

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
queryOrFn Object | Function <optional>

Selection query or filter function.

thisArg Object <optional>

Context to which to bind queryOrFn if queryOrFn is a function.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 409
Inherited From:

Get the draft posts created less than three months

const posts = collection.filter({
  where: {
    status: {
      '==': 'draft'
    created_at_timestamp: {
      '>=': (new Date().getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 3)) // 3 months ago

Use a custom filter function

const posts = collection.filter(function (post) {
  return post.isReady()

forEach(forEachFn, thisArg)

Iterate over all records.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
forEachFn Function

Iteration function.

thisArg * <optional>

Context to which to bind forEachFn.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 444
Inherited From:
collection.forEach(function (record) {
  // do something


Get the record with the given id.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
id String | Number

The primary key of the record to get.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Record

The record with the given id.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 462
Inherited From:

getAll(keyList, opts)

Find the record or records that match the provided keyLists.

Shortcut for collection.query().getAll(keyList1, keyList2, ...).run()

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
keyList Array <optional>

Provide one or more keyLists, and all records matching each keyList will be retrieved. If no keyLists are provided, all records will be returned.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
index String <optional>

Name of the secondary index to use in the query. If no index is specified, the main index is used.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 475
Inherited From:

Get the posts where "status" is "draft" or "inReview"

const posts = collection.getAll('draft', 'inReview', { index: 'status' })

Same as above

const posts = collection.getAll(['draft'], ['inReview'], { index: 'status' })


Return the index with the given name. If no name is provided, return the main index. Throws an error if the specified index does not exist.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String <optional>

The name of the index to retrieve.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 500
Inherited From:


Limit the result.

Shortcut for collection.query().limit(maximumNumber).run()

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
num Number

The maximum number of records to keep in the result.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 516
Inherited From:
const posts = collection.limit(10)

log(level, args)

Log the provided values. By default sends values to console[level].

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
level String

Log level

args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 39
Inherited From:

map(mapFn, thisArg)

Apply a mapping function to all records.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
mapFn Function

Mapping function.

thisArg * <optional>

Context to which to bind mapFn.

Return value:
Type Description

The result of the mapping.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 533
Inherited From:
const names = (user) {


Return the result of calling the specified function on each record in this collection's main index.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
funcName String

Name of function to call

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 555
Inherited From:

method(result, opts)

Lifecycle hook called by Collection#add. If this method returns a value then Collection#add will return that same value.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
result Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

The record or records that were added to this Collection by Collection#add.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to Collection#add.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 282
Inherited From:

off(event, listener)

Remove an event listener from this Component. If no listener is provided, then all listeners for the specified event will be removed. If no event is specified then all listeners for all events will be removed.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String <optional>

Name of event to unsubsribe to.

listener Function <optional>

Listener to remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 79
Inherited From:

Remove a listener to a single event'add', handler)

Remove all listeners to a single event'change')

Remove all listeners to all events

on(event, listener, ctx)

Register a new event listener on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to subsribe to.

listener Function

Listener function to handle the event.

ctx * <optional>

Optional content in which to invoke the listener.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 49
Inherited From:

Listen for all "afterCreate" events in a DataStore

store.on('afterCreate', (mapperName, props, opts, result) => {
  console.log(mapperName) // "post"
  console.log( // undefined
  console.log( // 1234
store.create('post', { title: 'Modeling your data' }).then((post) => {
  console.log( // 1234

Listen for the "add" event on a collection

collection.on('add', (records) => {
  console.log(records) // [...]

Listen for "change" events on a record

post.on('change', (record, changes) => {
  console.log(changes) // { changed: { title: 'Modeling your data' } }
post.title = 'Modeling your data'


Create a new query to be executed against the contents of the collection. The result will be all or a subset of the contents of the collection.

Return value:
Type Description

New query object.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 591
Inherited From:

Grab page 2 of users between ages 18 and 30

  .between(18, 30, { index: 'age' }) // between ages 18 and 30
  .skip(10) // second page
  .limit(10) // page size


Return the primary key of the given, or if no record is provided, return the name of the field that holds the primary key of records in this Collection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
record Object | Record <optional>

The record whose primary key is to be returned.

Return value:
Type Description
String | Number

Primary key or name of field that holds primary key.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 573
Inherited From:

reduce(cb, initialValue)

Reduce the data in the collection to a single value and return the result.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
cb Function

Reduction callback.

initialValue *

Initial value of the reduction.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 611
Inherited From:
const totalVotes = collection.reduce(function (prev, record) {
  return prev + record.upVotes + record.downVotes
}, 0)

remove(id, opts)

Remove the record with the given id from this Collection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
id String | Number

The primary key of the record to be removed.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Record

The removed record, if any.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 630
Inherited From:

removeAll(query, opts)

Remove the record selected by "query" from this collection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
query Object <optional>

Selection query. See query.

Name Type Argument Description
where Object <optional>

See query.where.

offset Number <optional>

See query.offset.

limit Number <optional>

See query.limit.

orderBy String | Array.<Array> <optional>

See query.orderBy.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description
Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

The removed records, if any.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 659
Inherited From:


Skip a number of results.

Shortcut for collection.query().skip(numberToSkip).run()

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
num Number

The number of records to skip.

Return value:
Type Description

The result.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 685
Inherited From:
const posts = collection.skip(10)


Return the plain JSON representation of all items in this collection. Assumes records in this collection have a toJSON method.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
with Array.<String> <optional>

Array of relation names or relation fields to include in the representation.

Return value:
Type Description

The records.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 702
Inherited From:

updateIndex(record, opts)

Update a record's position in a single index of this collection. See Collection#updateIndexes to update a record's position in all indexes at once.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
record Object

The record to update.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
index String <optional>

The index in which to update the record's position. If you don't specify an index then the record will be updated in the main index.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 717
Inherited From:

updateIndexes(record, opts)


Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
record Object


opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Since Source
3.0.0 Collection.js, line 735
Inherited From: