* Registered as `js-data` in NPM and Bower.
* Also available from CDN.JS and JSDelivr.
* @module js-data
* @example <caption>Install from NPM</caption>
* npm i --save js-data@beta
* @example <caption>Install from Bower</caption>
* bower i --save js-data@3.0.0-beta.1
* @example <caption>Install from CDN.JS</caption>
* <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-data/3.0.0-beta.1/js-data.min.js"></script>
* @example <caption>Install from JSDelivr</caption>
* <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/js-data/3.0.0-beta.1/js-data.min.js"></script>
* @example <caption>Load into your app via script tag</caption>
* <script src="/path/to/js-data.min.js"></script>
* <script>
* console.log(JSData.version.full); // "3.0.0-beta.1"
* </script>
* @example <caption>Load into your app via CommonJS</caption>
* var JSData = require('js-data');
* @example <caption>Load into your app via ES2015 Modules</caption>
* import * as JSData from 'js-data';
* @example <caption>Load into your app via AMD</caption>
* define('myApp', ['js-data'], function (JSData) { ... })
* Describes the version of this `JSData` object.
* @example
* console.log(JSData.version.full) // "3.0.0-beta.1"
* @name version
* @memberof module:js-data
* @property {string} full The full semver value.
* @property {number} major The major version number.
* @property {number} minor The minor version number.
* @property {number} patch The patch version number.
* @property {(string|boolean)} alpha The alpha version value, otherwise `false`
* if the current version is not alpha.
* @property {(string|boolean)} beta The beta version value, otherwise `false`
* if the current version is not beta.
* @since 2.0.0
* @type {Object}
export const version = '<%= version %>'
* JSData's utility methods.
* @example
* import {utils} from 'js-data'
* console.log(utils.isString('foo')) // true
* @name module:js-data.utils
* @property {Function} Promise See {@link utils.Promise}.
* @see utils
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {Object}
import utils from './utils'
* JSData's {@link Collection} class.
* @example
* import {Collection} from 'js-data'
* const collection = new Collection()
* @name module:js-data.Collection
* @see Collection
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#collection","Components of JSData: Collection"]
* @type {Constructor}
import Collection from './Collection'
* JSData's {@link Component} class. Most components in JSData extend this
* class.
* @example
* import {Component} from 'js-data'
* // Make a custom component.
* const MyComponent = Component.extend({
* myMethod (someArg) { ... }
* })
* @name module:js-data.Component
* @see Component
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {Constructor}
import Component from './Component'
* JSData's {@link Container} class. Defines and manages {@link Mapper}s. Used
* in Node.js and in the browser, though in the browser you may want to use
* {@link DataStore} instead.
* @example
* import {Container} from 'js-data'
* const store = new Container()
* @name module:js-data.Container
* @see Container
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#container","Components of JSData: Container"]
* @type {Constructor}
import {Container} from './Container'
* JSData's {@link DataStore} class. Primarily for use in the browser. In
* Node.js you probably want to use {@link Container} instead.
* @example
* import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
* const store = new DataStore()
* @name module:js-data.DataStore
* @see DataStore
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#datastore","Components of JSData: DataStore"]
* @type {Constructor}
import DataStore from './DataStore'
* JSData's {@link Index} class, based on [mindex]{@link https://github.com/internalfx/mindex}.
* @name module:js-data.Index
* @see Index
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {Constructor}
import Index from '../lib/mindex/index'
* JSData's {@link LinkedCollection} class. Used by the {@link DataStore}
* component. If you need to create a collection manually, you should probably
* use the {@link Collection} class.
* @name module:js-data.LinkedCollection
* @see DataStore
* @see LinkedCollection
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {Constructor}
import LinkedCollection from './LinkedCollection'
* JSData's {@link Mapper} class. The core of the ORM.
* @example <caption>Recommended use</caption>
* import {Container} from 'js-data'
* const store = new Container()
* store.defineMapper('user')
* @example <caption>Create Mapper manually</caption>
* import {Mapper} from 'js-data'
* const UserMapper = new Mapper({ name: 'user' })
* @name module:js-data.Mapper
* @see Container
* @see Mapper
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/modeling-your-data","Modeling your data"]
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#mapper","Components of JSData: Mapper"]
* @type {Constructor}
import Mapper from './Mapper'
* JSData's {@link Query} class. Used by the {@link Collection} component.
* @name module:js-data.Query
* @see Query
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {Constructor}
import Query from './Query'
* JSData's {@link Record} class.
* @example
* import {Container} from 'js-data'
* const store = new Container()
* store.defineMapper('user')
* const user = store.createRecord('user')
* @name module:js-data.Record
* @see Record
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#record","Components of JSData: Record"]
* @type {Constructor}
import Record from './Record'
* JSData's {@link Schema} class. Implements http://json-schema.org/draft-04.
* @example
* import {Container, Schema} from 'js-data'
* const userSchema = new Schema({
* properties: {
* id: { type: 'string' },
* name: { type: 'string' }
* }
* })
* const store = new Container()
* store.defineMapper('user', {
* schema: userSchema
* })
* @name module:js-data.Schema
* @see Schema
* @see http://json-schema.org/
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/components-of-jsdata#schema","Components of JSData: schema"]
* @tutorial ["http://www.js-data.io/v3.0/docs/schemas","JSData's Schema Syntax"]
* @type {Constructor}
import Schema from './Schema'
export * from './decorators'
export {