Class: DataStore


new DataStore(opts)

The DataStore class is an extension of Container. Not only does DataStore manage mappers, but also collections. DataStore implements the asynchronous Mapper methods, such as Mapper#find and Mapper#create. If you use the asynchronous DataStore methods instead of calling them directly on the mappers, then the results of the method calls will be inserted into the store's collections. You can think of a DataStore as an Identity Map for the ORM (the Mappers).

import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. See Container.

Name Type Argument Default Description
collectionClass Boolean <optional>

See DataStore#collectionClass.

debug Boolean <optional>

See Component#debug.

unlinkOnDestroy Boolean <optional>

See DataStore#unlinkOnDestroy.

usePendingFind Boolean | Function <optional>

See DataStore#usePendingFind.

usePendingFindAll Boolean | Function <optional>

See DataStore#usePendingFindAll.

Return value:
Type Description
DataStore Unspecified
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import HttpAdapter from 'js-data-http'
const store = new DataStore()

// DataStore#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')

// DataStore#as returns the store scoped to a particular Mapper.
const UserStore ='user')

// Call "find" on "UserMapper" (Stateless ORM)
UserMapper.find(1).then((user) => {
  // retrieved a "user" record via the http adapter, but that's it

  // Call "find" on "store" targeting "user" (Stateful DataStore)
  return store.find('user', 1) // same as "UserStore.find(1)"
}).then((user) => {
  // not only was a "user" record retrieved, but it was added to the
  // store's "user" collection
  const cachedUser = store.getCollection('user').get(1)
  console.log(user === cachedUser) // true


This class extends the Container class.



The adapters registered with this Container, which are also shared by all Mappers in this Container.

Type Since Source See
Object 3.0.0 Container.js, line 925
Inherited From:


Event listeners attached to this Component. Do not modify. Use Component#on and Component#off instead.

Type Since Source
Object 3.0.0 Component.js, line 52
Inherited From:


The the mappers in this container

Type Since Source See
Object 3.0.0 Container.js, line 938
Inherited From:


Whether to enable debug-level logs for this component. Anything that extends Component inherits this option and the corresponding logging functionality.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean 3.0.0
Component.js, line 28
Inherited From:

// Normally you would do: import {Component} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Component} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const component = new Component()
component.log('debug', 'some message') // nothing gets logged
// Display debug logs:
component.debug = true
component.log('debug', 'other message') // this DOES get logged


Constructor function to use in Container#defineMapper to create new Mapper instances. Container#mapperClass should extend Mapper. By default Mapper is used to instantiate Mappers.

Type Since Source See
Constructor 3.0.0 Container.js, line 950
Inherited From:

// import {Container, Mapper} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Container} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

class MyMapperClass extends Mapper {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
const store = new Container({
  mapperClass: MyMapperClass


Defaults options to pass to Container#mapperClass when creating a new Mapper.

Type Since Default value Source
Object 3.0.0
Container.js, line 984
Inherited From:

// import {Container} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Container} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new Container({
  mapperDefaults: {
    idAttribute: '_id'


Whether in-memory relations should be unlinked from records after they are destroyed.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean 3.0.0
DataStore.js, line 289


Whether to use the pending query if a find request for the specified record is currently underway. Can be set to true, false, or to a function that returns true or false.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean | Function 3.0.0
DataStore.js, line 300


Whether to use the pending query if a findAll request for the given query is currently underway. Can be set to true, false, or to a function that returns true or false.

Type Since Default value Source
Boolean | Function 3.0.0
DataStore.js, line 312


<static> extend(props, classProps)

Create a subclass of this DataStore:

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
props Object <optional>

Properties to add to the prototype of the subclass.

Name Type Argument Description
constructor Object <optional>

Provide a custom constructor function to be used as the subclass itself.

classProps Object <optional>

Static properties to add to the subclass.

Return value:
Type Description

Subclass of this DataStore class.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 2402

// Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

// Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.
class CustomDataStoreClass extends DataStore {
  foo () { return 'bar' }
  static beep () { return 'boop' }
const customDataStore = new CustomDataStoreClass()

// Extend the class using alternate method.
const OtherDataStoreClass = DataStore.extend({
  foo () { return 'bar' }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop' }
const otherDataStore = new OtherDataStoreClass()

// Extend the class, providing a custom constructor.
function AnotherDataStoreClass () {
  this.created_at = new Date().getTime()
  constructor: AnotherDataStoreClass,
  foo () { return 'bar' }
}, {
  beep () { return 'boop' }
const anotherDataStore = new AnotherDataStoreClass()

add(name, data, opts)

Wrapper for LinkedCollection#add.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

data Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

See LinkedCollection#add.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. See LinkedCollection#add.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Array.<Object> | Record | Array.<Record>

See LinkedCollection#add.

Since Source See
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 12

// Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()

// Add one book to the in-memory store:
store.add('book', { id: 1, title: 'Respect your Data' })
// Add multiple books to the in-memory store:
store.add('book', [
  { id: 2, title: 'Easy data recipes' },
  { id: 3, title: 'Active Record 101' }

addToCache(name, data, opts)

This method takes the data received from DataStore#find, DataStore#findAll, DataStore#update, etc., and adds the data to the store. You don't need to call this method directly.

If you're using the http adapter and your response data is in an unexpected format, you may need to override this method so the right data gets added to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

data *

Data from which data should be selected for add.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

DataStore.js, line 475
const store = new DataStore({
  addToCache (mapperName, data, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, response data is in a weird format
    if (name === 'comment') {
      // Re-assign the variable to add the correct records into the stores
      data = data.items
    // Now perform default behavior
    return, mapperName, data, opts)
// Extend using ES2015 class syntax.
class MyStore extends DataStore {
  addToCache (mapperName, data, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, response data is in a weird format
    if (name === 'comment') {
      // Re-assign the variable to add the correct records into the stores
      data = data.items
    // Now perform default behavior
    return super.addToCache(mapperName, data, opts)
const store = new MyStore()


Return the store scoped to a particular mapper/collection pair.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper.

Return value:
Type Description

The store, scoped to a particular Mapper/Collection pair.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 521 Container#as

// Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
const UserStore ='user')

const user1 = store.createRecord('user', { name: 'John' })
const user2 = UserStore.createRecord({ name: 'John' })
const user3 = UserMapper.createRecord({ name: 'John' })
console.log(user1 === user2)
console.log(user2 === user3)
console.log(user1 === user3)

between(name, leftKeys, rightKeys, opts)

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

leftKeys Array

See LinkedCollection#between.

rightKeys Array

See LinkedCollection#between.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. See LinkedCollection#between.

Return value:
Type Description
Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

See LinkedCollection#between.

// Get all users ages 18 to 30
const users = store.between('user', 18, 30, { index: 'age' })
// Same as above
const users = store.between('user', [18], [30], { index: 'age' })

cachedFind(name, id, opts)

Retrieve a cached find result, if any. This method is called during DataStore#find to determine if Mapper#find needs to be called. If this method returns undefined then Mapper#find will be called. Otherwise DataStore#find will immediately resolve with the return value of this method.

When using DataStore in the browser, you can override this method to implement your own cache-busting strategy.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument passed to DataStore#find.

id String | Number

The id argument passed to DataStore#find.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to DataStore#find.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 576
const store = new DataStore({
  cachedFind (mapperName, id, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return undefined to trigger a Mapper#find call
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return, mapperName, id, opts)
// Extend using ES2015 class syntax.
class MyStore extends DataStore {
  cachedFind (mapperName, id, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return undefined to trigger a Mapper#find call
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return super.cachedFind(mapperName, id, opts)
const store = new MyStore()

cachedFindAll(name, hash, opts)

Retrieve a cached findAll result, if any. This method is called during DataStore#findAll to determine if Mapper#findAll needs to be called. If this method returns undefined then Mapper#findAll will be called. Otherwise DataStore#findAll will immediately resolve with the return value of this method.

When using DataStore in the browser, you can override this method to implement your own cache-busting strategy.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

hash String

The result of calling DataStore#hashQuery on the query argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 622
const store = new DataStore({
  cachedFindAll (mapperName, hash, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return undefined to trigger a Mapper#findAll call
      return undefined
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return, mapperName, hash, opts)
// Extend using ES2015 class syntax.
class MyStore extends DataStore {
  cachedFindAll (mapperName, hash, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return undefined to trigger a Mapper#findAll call
      return undefined
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return super.cachedFindAll(mapperName, hash, opts)
const store = new MyStore()

cacheFind(name, data, id, opts)

Mark a Mapper#find result as cached by adding an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries. By default, once a find entry is added it means subsequent calls to the same Resource with the same id argument will immediately resolve with the result of calling DataStore#get instead of delegating to Mapper#find.

As part of implementing your own caching strategy, you may choose to override this method.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument passed to DataStore#find.

data *

The result to cache.

id String | Number

The id argument passed to DataStore#find.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to DataStore#find.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 669
const store = new DataStore({
  cacheFind (mapperName, data, id, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return without saving an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return, mapperName, data, id, opts)
// Extend using ES2015 class syntax.
class MyStore extends DataStore {
  cacheFind (mapperName, data, id, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return without saving an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries
    // Otherwise perform default behavior
    return super.cacheFind(mapperName, data, id, opts)
const store = new MyStore()

cacheFindAll(name, data, hash, opts)

Mark a Mapper#findAll result as cached by adding an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries. By default, once a findAll entry is added it means subsequent calls to the same Resource with the same query argument will immediately resolve with the result of calling DataStore#filter instead of delegating to Mapper#findAll.

As part of implementing your own caching strategy, you may choose to override this method.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

data *

The result to cache.

hash String

The result of calling DataStore#hashQuery on the query argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

opts Object

The opts argument passed to DataStore#findAll.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 718
const store = new DataStore({
  cachedFindAll (mapperName, data, hash, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return without saving an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries
    // Otherwise perform default behavior.
    return, mapperName, data, hash, opts)
// Extend using ES2015 class syntax.
class MyStore extends DataStore {
  cachedFindAll (mapperName, data, hash, opts) {
    // Let's say for a particular Resource, we always want to pull fresh from the server
    if (mapperName === 'schedule') {
      // Return without saving an entry to DataStore#_completedQueries
    // Otherwise perform default behavior.
    return super.cachedFindAll(mapperName, data, hash, opts)
const store = new MyStore()


Remove all records from the in-memory store and reset DataStore#_completedQueries.

Return value:
Type Description

Object containing all records that were in the store.

Since Source See
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 768

count(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#count.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#count.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#count.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#count.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 8
Inherited From:
// Get the number of published blog posts
import {Container} from 'js-data'
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb'
const store = new Container()
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true })

store.count('post', { status: 'published' }).then((numPublished) => {
  console.log(numPublished) // e.g. 45

create(name, record, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#create. Adds the created record to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

record Object

Passed to Mapper#create.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#create. See Mapper#create for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result of the create.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 838 Container#create
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   POST /book {"author_id":1234,...}
store.create('book', {
  author_id: 1234,
  edition: 'First Edition',
  title: 'Respect your Data'
}).then((book) => {
  console.log( // 120392
  console.log(book.title) // "Respect your Data"

createIndex(name, name, fieldList)

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

name String

See LinkedCollection#createIndex.

fieldList Array.<String> <optional>

See LinkedCollection#createIndex.

// Index users by age
store.createIndex('user', 'age')
// Index users by status and role
store.createIndex('user', 'statusAndRole', ['status', 'role'])

createMany(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#createMany. Adds the created records to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array

Passed to Mapper#createMany.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#createMany. See Mapper#createMany for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result of the create.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 930 Container#createMany
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   POST /book [{"author_id":1234,...},{...}]
store.createMany('book', [{
  author_id: 1234,
  edition: 'First Edition',
  title: 'Respect your Data'
}, {
  author_id: 1234,
  edition: 'Second Edition',
  title: 'Respect your Data'
}]).then((books) => {
  console.log(books[0].id) // 142394
  console.log(books[0].title) // "Respect your Data"

createRecord(name, props, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#createRecord.

Note: This method does not interact with any adapter, and does not save any data. It only creates new objects in memory.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

props Object | Array.<Object>

See Mapper#createRecord.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#createRecord.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#createRecord.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 199
Inherited From:
// Create empty unsaved record instance
import {Container} from 'js-data'
const store = new Container()
const post = PostMapper.createRecord()


Log the provided values at the "debug" level. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

.dbg(...) is shorthand for .log('debug', ...).

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 123
Inherited From:

defineMapper(name, opts)

Create a new mapper and register it in this container.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name under which to register the new Mapper. Mapper#name will be set to this value.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options. Passed to Container#mapperClass when creating the new Mapper.

Return value:
Type Description

The newly created instance of Mapper.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1101
Inherited From:

// import {Container} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Container} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new Container({
  mapperDefaults: { foo: 'bar' }
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'))
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper())

destroy(name, id, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#destroy. Removes any destroyed record from the in-memory store. Clears out any DataStore#_completedQueries entries associated with the provided id.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

Passed to Mapper#destroy.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#destroy. See Mapper#destroy for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves when the destroy operation completes.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1420 Container#destroy
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


store.add('book', { id: 1234, title: 'Data Management is Hard' })

// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   DELETE /book/1234
store.destroy('book', 1234).then(() => {
  // The book record is no longer in the in-memory store
  console.log(store.get('book', 1234)) // undefined

  return store.find('book', 1234)
}).then((book) {
  // The book was deleted from the database too
  console.log(book) // undefined

destroyAll(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#destroyAll. Removes any destroyed records from the in-memory store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#destroyAll.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#destroyAll. See Mapper#destroyAll for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves when the delete completes.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1535 Container#destroyAll
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


store.add('book', { id: 1234, title: 'Data Management is Hard' })

// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   DELETE /book/1234
store.destroy('book', 1234).then(() => {
  // The book record is gone from the in-memory store
  console.log(store.get('book', 1234)) // undefined
  return store.find('book', 1234)
}).then((book) {
  // The book was deleted from the database too
  console.log(book) // undefined

emit(event, args)

Trigger an event on this Component.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to emit.

args * <optional>

Arguments to pass to any listeners.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 201
Inherited From:

// import {Collection, DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Collection, DataStore} = JSData

const collection = new Collection()
collection.on('foo', function (msg) {
collection.emit('foo', 'bar')

const store = new DataStore()
store.on('beep', function (msg) {
store.emit('beep', 'boop')

filter(name, queryOrFn, thisArg)

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

queryOrFn Object | Function <optional>

See LinkedCollection#filter.

thisArg Object <optional>

See LinkedCollection#filter.

Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#filter.


// import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()
store.add('post', [
  { id: 1, status: 'draft', created_at_timestamp: new Date().getTime() }

// Get the draft posts created less than three months ago
let posts = store.filter('post', {
  where: {
    status: {
      '==': 'draft'
    created_at_timestamp: {
      '>=': (new Date().getTime() - (1000 \* 60 \* 60 \* 24 \* 30 \* 3)) // 3 months ago

// Use a custom filter function
posts = store.filter('post', function (post) { return % 2 === 0 })

find(name, id, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#find. Adds any found record to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

Passed to Mapper#find.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#find.

Name Type Argument Description
usePendingFind Boolean | Function <optional>

See DataStore#usePendingFind

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result, if any.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1661 Container#find
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   GET /book/1234
store.find('book', 1234).then((book) => {
  // The book record is now in the in-memory store
  console.log(store.get('book', 1234) === book) // true

findAll(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#findAll. Adds any found records to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

query Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper.findAll.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper.findAll.

Name Type Argument Description
usePendingFindAll Boolean | Function <optional>

See DataStore#usePendingFindAll

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result, if any.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1772 Container#findAll
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   GET /movie?rating=PG
store.find('movie', { rating: 'PG' }).then((movies) => {
  // The movie records are now in the in-memory store

get(name, id)

Wrapper for LinkedCollection#get.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

See LinkedCollection#get.

Return value:
Type Description
Object | Record

See LinkedCollection#get.

Since Source See
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 130

// import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()
store.add('post', [
  { id: 1, status: 'draft', created_at_timestamp: new Date().getTime() }

console.log(store.get('post', 1)) // {...}
console.log(store.get('post', 2)) // undefined


Return the registered adapter with the given name or the default adapter if no name is provided.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String <optional>

The name of the adapter to retrieve.

Return value:
Type Description

The adapter.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1173
Inherited From:


Return the name of a registered adapter based on the given name or options, or the name of the default adapter if no name provided.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object | String <optional>

The name of an adapter or options, if any.

Return value:
Type Description

The name of the adapter.

Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1190
Inherited From:


Return the registered adapters of this container.

Return value:
Type Description
Adapter Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1207
Inherited From:

getAll(name, keyList, opts)

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

keyList Array <optional>

See LinkedCollection#getAll.

opts Object <optional>

See LinkedCollection#getAll.

Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#getAll.

// Get the posts where "status" is "draft" or "inReview"
const posts = store.getAll('post', 'draft', 'inReview', { index: 'status' })
// Same as above
const posts = store.getAll('post', ['draft'], ['inReview'], { index: 'status' })


Return the LinkedCollection with the given name, if for some reason you need a direct reference to the collection.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the LinkedCollection to retrieve.


Thrown if the specified LinkedCollection does not exist.

Return value:
Type Description
LinkedCollection Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1834


Return the mapper registered under the specified name.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String


Return value:
Type Description
Mapper Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1218
Inherited From:

// import {Container} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Container} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new Container()
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'))
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper())
store.getMapper('profile') // throws Error, there is no mapper with name "profile"


Return the mapper registered under the specified name. Doesn't throw error if mapper doesn't exist.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String


Return value:
Type Description
Mapper Unspecified
Since Source
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1248
Inherited From:

// import {Container} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {Container} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new Container()
// Container#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
// Mapper.
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
console.log(UserMapper === store.getMapper('user'))
console.log(UserMapper ==='user').getMapper())
console.log(store.getMapper('profile')) // Does NOT throw an error


Wrapper for Mapper#getSchema.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#getSchema.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 533
Inherited From:

hashQuery(name, query)

Hashing function used to cache DataStore#find and DataStore#findAll requests. This method simply JSONifies the query argument passed to DataStore#find or DataStore#findAll.

Override this method for custom hashing behavior.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument passed to DataStore#find or DataStore#findAll.

query Object

The query argument passed to DataStore#find or DataStore#findAll.

Return value:
Type Description

The JSONified query.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1853

is(name, record)

Wrapper for Mapper#is.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

record Object | Record

See Mapper#is.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#is.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 544
Inherited From:
import {Container} from 'js-data'
const store = new Container()
const post = store.createRecord()

console.log('post', post)) // true
// Equivalent to what's above
console.log(post instanceof store.getMapper('post').recordClass) // true

log(level, args)

Log the provided values. By default sends values to console[level]. Debug-level logs are only logged if Component#debug is true.

Will attempt to use appropriate console methods if they are available.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
level String

Log level.

args * <optional>

Values to log.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 133
Inherited From:

off(event, listener)

Remove an event listener from this Component. If no listener is provided, then all listeners for the specified event will be removed. If no event is specified then all listeners for all events will be removed.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String <optional>

Name of event to unsubsribe to.

listener Function <optional>

Listener to remove.

Since Source
3.0.0 Component.js, line 179
Inherited From:
// Remove a particular listener for a particular event'add', handler)
// Remove all listeners for a particular event'change')
// Remove all listeners to all events

on(event, listener, ctx)

Register a new event listener on this DataStore.

Proxy for Container#on. If an event was emitted by a Mapper or Collection in the DataStore, then the name of the Mapper or Collection will be prepended to the arugments passed to the provided event handler.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
event String

Name of event to subsribe to.

listener Function

Listener function to handle the event.

ctx * <optional>

Optional content in which to invoke the listener.

Source Overrides
DataStore.js, line 425 Container#on
// Listen for all "afterCreate" events in a DataStore
store.on('afterCreate', (mapperName, props, opts, result) => {
  console.log(mapperName) // "post"
  console.log( // undefined
  console.log( // 1234
store.create('post', { title: 'Modeling your data' }).then((post) => {
  console.log( // 1234
// Listen for the "add" event on a collection
store.on('add', (mapperName, records) => {
  console.log(records) // [...]
// Listen for "change" events on a record
store.on('change', (mapperName, record, changes) => {
  console.log(changes) // { changed: { title: 'Modeling your data' } }
post.title = 'Modeling your data'


Wrapper for LinkedCollection#prune.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
opts Object <optional>

See LinkedCollection#prune.

Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#prune.


Wrapper for LinkedCollection#query.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#query.

// Grab page 2 of users between ages 18 and 30
  .between(18, 30, { index: 'age' }) // between ages 18 and 30
  .skip(10) // second page
  .limit(10) // page size

registerAdapter(name, adapter, opts)

Register an adapter on this container under the given name. Adapters registered on a container are shared by all mappers in the container.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

The name of the adapter to register.

adapter Adapter

The adapter to register.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Default Description
default Boolean <optional>

Whether to make the adapter the default adapter for all Mappers in this container.

Since Source Tutorials
3.0.0 Container.js, line 1275
Inherited From:
import {Container} from 'js-data'
import {RethinkDBAdapter} from 'js-data-rethinkdb'
const store = new Container()
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true })

remove(name, id, opts)

Wrapper for LinkedCollection#remove. Removes the specified Record from the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

The name of the LinkedCollection to target.

id String | Number

The primary key of the Record to remove.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
with Array.<String> <optional>

Relations of the Record to also remove from the store.

Return value:
Type Description

The removed Record, if any.

Since Source See
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1877

// Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()
store.add('book', { id: 1234 })
store.remove('book', 1234)

removeAll(name, query, opts)

Wrapper for LinkedCollection#removeAll. Removes the selected Records from the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description
name String

The name of the LinkedCollection to target.

query Object <optional>

Selection query. See query.

Name Type Argument Description
where Object <optional>

See query.where.

offset Number <optional>

See query.offset.

limit Number <optional>

See query.limit.

orderBy String | Array.<Array> <optional>

See query.orderBy.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
with Array.<String> <optional>

Relations of the Record to also remove from the store.

Return value:
Type Description

The removed Records, if any.

Since Source See
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1915

// Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-beta.7')
const {DataStore} = JSData
console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)

const store = new DataStore()
store.add('movie', [{ id: 3, rating: 'R' }, { id: 4, rating: 'PG-13' })
store.removeAll('movie', { rating: 'R' })

removeRelated(name, records, opts)

Remove from the store Records that are related to the provided Record(s).

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

The name of the LinkedCollection to target.

records Record | Array.<Record>

Records whose relations are to be removed.

opts Object <optional>

Configuration options.

Name Type Argument Description
with Array.<String> <optional>

Relations of the Record(s) to remove from the store.

Since Source
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 1957

sum(name, field, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#sum.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

field String

See Mapper#sum.

query Object <optional>

See Mapper#sum.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#sum.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#sum.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 566
Inherited From:
import {Container} from 'js-data'
import RethinkDBAdapter from 'js-data-rethinkdb'
const store = new Container()
store.registerAdapter('rethinkdb', new RethinkDBAdapter(), { default: true })

store.sum('purchase_order', 'amount', { status: 'paid' }).then((amountPaid) => {
  console.log(amountPaid) // e.g. 451125.34

toJSON(name, opts)

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String | Number

Name of the Mapper to target.

opts Object <optional>

See LinkedCollection#toJSON.

Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#toJSON.

store.defineMapper('post', {
  schema: {
    properties: {
      id: { type: 'number' },
      title: { type: 'string' }
store.add('post', [
  { id: 1, status: 'published', title: 'Respect your Data' },
  { id: 2, status: 'draft', title: 'Connecting to a data source' }
const draftsJSON = store.query('post')
  .filter({ status: 'draft' })


Return value:
Type Description

See LinkedCollection#unsaved.

update(name, id, record, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#update. Adds the updated Record to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

id String | Number

Passed to Mapper#update.

record Object

Passed to Mapper#update.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#update. See Mapper#update for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result of the update.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 2069 Container#update
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   PUT /post/1234 {"status":"published"}
store.update('post', 1, { status: 'published' }).then((post) => {
  // The post record has also been updated in the in-memory store
  console.log(store.get('post', 1234))

updateAll(name, props, query, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#updateAll. Adds the updated Records to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

props Object

Passed to Mapper#updateAll.

query Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#updateAll.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#updateAll. See Mapper#updateAll for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result of the update.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 2161 Container#updateAll
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   PUT /post?author_id=1234 {"status":"published"}
store.updateAll('post', { author_id: 1234 }, { status: 'published' }).then((posts) => {
  // The post records have also been updated in the in-memory store
  console.log(store.filter('posts', { author_id: 1234 }))

updateMany(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#updateMany. Adds the updated Records to the store.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

Passed to Mapper#updateMany.

opts Object <optional>

Passed to Mapper#updateMany. See Mapper#updateMany for more configuration options.

Return value:
Type Description

Resolves with the result of the update.

Since Source Overrides
3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 2251 Container#updateMany
import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
import {HttpAdapter} from 'js-data-http'

const store = new DataStore()
store.registerAdapter('http', new HttpAdapter(), { default: true })


// Since this example uses the http adapter, we'll get something like:
//   PUT /post [{"id":3,status":"published"},{"id":4,status":"published"}]
store.updateMany('post', [
  { id: 3, status: 'published' },
  { id: 4, status: 'published' }
]).then((posts) => {
  // The post records have also been updated in the in-memory store
  console.log(store.getAll('post', 3, 4))

validate(name, records, opts)

Wrapper for Mapper#validate.

Method parameters:
Name Type Argument Description
name String

Name of the Mapper to target.

records Array.<Object> | Array.<Record>

See Mapper#validate.

opts Object <optional>

See Mapper#validate.

Return value:
Type Description

See Mapper#validate.

Since Source See
3.0.0 Container.js, line 868
Inherited From:
import {Container} from 'js-data'
const store = new Container()
store.defineMapper('post', {
  schema: {
    properties: {
      name: { type: 'string' },
      id: { type: 'string' }
let errors = store.validate('post', { name: 'John' })
console.log(errors) // undefined
errors = store.validate('post', { name: 123 })
console.log(errors) // [{ expected: 'one of (string)', actual: 'number', path: 'name' }]

Type Definitions

addListener(name, The)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:add event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name of the associated Mapper.

The Record | Array.<Record>

Record or Records that were added.

function onAdd (mapperName, recordOrRecords) {
  // do something
store.on('add', onAdd)

afterCreateListener(name, props, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterCreate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterCreate.

function onAfterCreate (mapperName, props, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterCreate', onAfterCreate)

afterCreateManyListener(name, records, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterCreateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterCreateMany.

function onAfterCreateMany (mapperName, records, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterCreateMany', onAfterCreateMany)

afterDestroyAllListener(name, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterDestroyAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterDestroyAll.

function onAfterDestroyAll (mapperName, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterDestroyAll', onAfterDestroyAll)

afterDestroyListener(name, id, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterDestroy event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterDestroy.

function onAfterDestroy (mapperName, id, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterDestroy', onAfterDestroy)

afterFindAllListener(name, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterFindAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterFindAll.

function onAfterFindAll (mapperName, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterFindAll', onAfterFindAll)

afterFindListener(name, id, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterFind event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterFind.

function onAfterFind (mapperName, id, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterFind', onAfterFind)

afterUpdateAllListener(name, props, query, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterUpdateAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateAll.

function onAfterUpdateAll (mapperName, props, query, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdateAll', onAfterUpdateAll)

afterUpdateListener(name, id, props, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterUpdate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdate.

function onAfterUpdate (mapperName, id, props, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdate', onAfterUpdate)

afterUpdateManyListener(name, records, opts, result)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:afterUpdateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

result Object

The result argument received by Mapper#afterUpdateMany.

function onAfterUpdateMany (mapperName, records, opts, result) {
  // do something
store.on('afterUpdateMany', onAfterUpdateMany)

beforeCreateListener(name, props, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeCreate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeCreate.

function onBeforeCreate (mapperName, props, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeCreate', onBeforeCreate)

beforeCreateManyListener(name, records, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeCreateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeCreateMany.

function onBeforeCreateMany (mapperName, records, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeCreateMany', onBeforeCreateMany)

beforeDestroyAllListener(name, query, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeDestroyAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroyAll.

function onBeforeDestroyAll (mapperName, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeDestroyAll', onBeforeDestroyAll)

beforeDestroyListener(name, id, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeDestroy event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeDestroy.

function onBeforeDestroy (mapperName, id, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeDestroy', onBeforeDestroy)

beforeFindAllListener(name, query, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeFindAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeFindAll.

function onBeforeFindAll (mapperName, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeFindAll', onBeforeFindAll)

beforeFindListener(name, id, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeFind event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeFind.

function onBeforeFind (mapperName, id, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeFind', onBeforeFind)

beforeUpdateAllListener(name, props, query, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeUpdateAll event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

query Object

The query argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateAll.

function onBeforeUpdateAll (mapperName, props, query, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdateAll', onBeforeUpdateAll)

beforeUpdateListener(name, id, props, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeUpdate event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

id String | Number

The id argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

props Object

The props argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdate.

function onBeforeUpdate (mapperName, id, props, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdate', onBeforeUpdate)

beforeUpdateManyListener(name, records, opts)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:beforeUpdateMany event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

records Object

The records argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

opts Object

The opts argument received by Mapper#beforeUpdateMany.

function onBeforeUpdateMany (mapperName, records, opts) {
  // do something
store.on('beforeUpdateMany', onBeforeUpdateMany)

changeListener(name, The, The)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:change event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name of the associated Mapper.

The Record

Record that changed.

The Object


Type Since Source See
Function 3.0.0 DataStore.js, line 2309
function onChange (mapperName, record, changes) {
  // do something
store.on('change', onChange)

removeListener(name, Record)

Callback signature for the DataStore#event:remove event.

Method parameters:
Name Type Description
name String

The name of the associated Mapper.

Record Record | Array.<Record>

or Records that were removed.

function onRemove (mapperName, recordsOrRecords) {
  // do something
store.on('remove', onRemove)



Fired when one or more records are added to the in-memory store. See DataStore~addListener on how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#create. See DataStore~afterCreateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#createMany. See DataStore~afterCreateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#destroy. See DataStore~afterDestroyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#destroyAll. See DataStore~afterDestroyAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#find. See DataStore~afterFindListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#findAll. See DataStore~afterFindAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#update. See DataStore~afterUpdateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#updateAll. See DataStore~afterUpdateAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#updateMany. See DataStore~afterUpdateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#create. See DataStore~beforeCreateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#createMany. See DataStore~beforeCreateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#destroy. See DataStore~beforeDestroyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#destroyAll. See DataStore~beforeDestroyAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#find. See DataStore~beforeFindListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#findAll. See DataStore~beforeFindAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#update. See DataStore~beforeUpdateListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#updateAll. See DataStore~beforeUpdateAllListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired during DataStore#updateMany. See DataStore~beforeUpdateManyListener for how to listen for this event.


Fired when a record changes. Only works for records that have tracked fields. See DataStore~changeListener on how to listen for this event.


Fired when one or more records are removed from the in-memory store. See DataStore~removeListener for how to listen for this event.