Module: js-data-rethinkdb

Registered as js-data-rethinkdb in NPM.

src/index.js, line 1028

Install from NPM

npm i --save js-data-rethinkdb@beta js-data@beta rethinkdbdash

ES2015 modules import

import {RethinkDBAdapter} from 'js-data-rethinkdb'
const adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter()

CommonJS import

var RethinkDBAdapter = require('js-data-rethinkdb').RethinkDBAdapter
var adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter()


<static> OPERATORS

Default predicate functions for the filtering operators.

src/index.js, line 27
Name Type Description
== Function

Equality operator.

!= Function

Inequality operator.

> Function

"Greater than" operator.

>= Function

"Greater than or equal to" operator.

< Function

"Less than" operator.

<= Function

"Less than or equal to" operator.

isectEmpty Function

Operator to test that the intersection between two arrays is empty.

isectNotEmpty Function

Operator to test that the intersection between two arrays is NOT empty.

in Function

Operator to test whether a value is found in the provided array.

notIn Function

Operator to test whether a value is NOT found in the provided array.

contains Function

Operator to test whether an array contains the provided value.

notContains Function

Operator to test whether an array does NOT contain the provided value.

<static> RethinkDBAdapter


ES2015 modules import

import {RethinkDBAdapter} from 'js-data-rethinkdb'
const adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter()

CommonJS import

var RethinkDBAdapter = require('js-data-rethinkdb').RethinkDBAdapter
var adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter()

<static> version

Details of the current version of the js-data-rethinkdb module.

Type Source
Object src/index.js, line 988
Name Type Description
version.full String

The full semver value.

version.major Number

The major version number.

version.minor Number

The minor version number.

version.patch Number

The patch version number.

version.alpha String | Boolean

The alpha version value, otherwise false if the current version is not alpha.

version.beta String | Boolean

The beta version value, otherwise false if the current version is not beta.


ES2015 modules import

import {version} from 'js-data-rethinkdb'

CommonJS import

var version = require('js-data-rethinkdb').version