Generate Express.js-compatible route middleware for js-data models.
To get started, visit http://js-data.io.
import express from 'express'
import {mount, queryParser, Router} from 'js-data-express'
import {Container} from 'js-data'
const app = express()
const store = new Container()
const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
const CommentMapper = store.defineMapper('comment')
// Mount queryParser and store at "/"
mount(app, store)
// Mount queryParser and store at "/api"
mount(app, store, '/api')
// Mount queryParser at "/"
// Mount store at "/"
app.use(new Router(store).router)
// Mount queryParser at "/api"
app.use('/api' queryParser)
// Mount store at "/api"
app.use('/api', new Router(store).router)
var api = app.route('/api')
// Mount queryParser at "/api"
// Mount UserMapper at "/api/user"
api.use('/user', new Router(UserMapper).router)
// Mount UserMapper at "/api/comment"
api.use('/comment', new Router(CommentMapper).router)
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The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 js-data-express project authors