Source: Component.js

import utils from './utils'

export default function Component () {
   * Event listeners attached to this Component. Do not modify. Use
   * {@link Component#on} and {@link Component#off} instead.
   * @name Component#_listeners
   * @instance
   * @type {Object}
  Object.defineProperty(this, '_listeners', { value: {} })

 * Create a subclass of this component.
 * @name Component.extend
 * @method
 * @param {Object} [props={}] Properties to add to the prototype of the
 * subclass.
 * @param {Object} [classProps={}] Static properties to add to the subclass.
 * @return {Function} Subclass of this component.
Component.extend = utils.extend

 * @name Component#dbg
 * @method
 * @name Component#log
 * @method

 * Register a new event listener on this Component.
 * @name Component#on
 * @method
 * @param {string} event Name of event to subsribe to.
 * @param {Function} listener Listener function to handle the event.
 * @param {*} [ctx] Optional content in which to invoke the listener.
 * Remove an event listener from this Component. If no listener is provided,
 * then all listeners for the specified event will be removed. If no event is
 * specified then all listeners for all events will be removed.
 * @name Component#off
 * @method
 * @param {string} [event] Name of event to unsubsribe to.
 * @param {Function} [listener] Listener to remove.
 * Trigger an event on this Component.
 * @name Component#emit
 * @method
 * @param {string} event Name of event to emit.
 * @param {...*} [args] Arguments to pass to any listeners.
  function () {
    return this._listeners
  function (value) {
    this._listeners = value