Source: src/index.js

import {MongoClient} from 'mongodb'
import {ObjectID} from 'bson'
import {utils} from 'js-data'
import {
} from 'js-data-adapter'
import snakeCase from 'lodash.snakecase'

const DEFAULTS = {
   * Convert ObjectIDs to strings when pulling records out of the database.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#translateId
   * @type {boolean}
   * @default true
  translateId: true,
   * Convert fields of record from database that are ObjectIDs to strings
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#translateObjectIDs
   * @type {Boolean}
   * @default false
  translateObjectIDs: false,

   * MongoDB URI.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#uri
   * @type {string}
   * @default mongodb://localhost:27017
  uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',

   * MongoDB Driver options
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#mongoDriverOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default { ignoreUndefined: true }
  mongoDriverOpts: {
    ignoreUndefined: true


 * MongoDBAdapter class.
 * @example
 * // Use Container instead of DataStore on the server
 * import { Container } from 'js-data';
 * import MongoDBAdapter from 'js-data-mongodb';
 * // Create a store to hold your Mappers
 * const store = new Container({
 *   mapperDefaults: {
 *     // MongoDB uses "_id" as the primary key
 *     idAttribute: '_id'
 *   }
 * });
 * // Create an instance of MongoDBAdapter with default settings
 * const adapter = new MongoDBAdapter();
 * // Mappers in "store" will use the MongoDB adapter by default
 * store.registerAdapter('mongodb', adapter, { default: true });
 * // Create a Mapper that maps to a "user" collection
 * store.defineMapper('user');
 * @class MongoDBAdapter
 * @extends Adapter
 * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.debug=false] See {@link Adapter#debug}.
 * @param {object} [opts.countOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#countOpts}.
 * @param {object} [opts.findOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#findOpts}.
 * @param {object} [opts.findOneOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#findOneOpts}.
 * @param {object} [opts.insertOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#insertOpts}.
 * @param {object} [opts.insertManyOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#insertManyOpts}.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] See {@link Adapter#raw}.
 * @param {object} [opts.removeOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#removeOpts}.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.translateId=true] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#translateId}.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.translateObjectIDs=false] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#translateObjectIDs}.
 * @param {object} [opts.updateOpts] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#updateOpts}.
 * @param {string} [opts.uri="mongodb://localhost:27017"] See {@link MongoDBAdapter#uri}.
export function MongoDBAdapter (opts) {
  utils.classCallCheck(this, MongoDBAdapter)
  opts || (opts = {})
  if (utils.isString(opts)) {
    opts = { uri: opts }
  utils.fillIn(opts, DEFAULTS)

  // Setup non-enumerable properties
  Object.defineProperties(this, {
     * A Promise that resolves to a reference to the MongoDB client being used by
     * this adapter.
     * @name MongoDBAdapter#client
     * @type {Promise}
    client: {
      writable: true,
      value: undefined

    _db: {
      writable: true,
      value: undefined
  }), opts)

   * Default options to pass to collection#count.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#countOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.countOpts || (this.countOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.countOpts, COUNT_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#find.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#findOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.findOpts || (this.findOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.findOpts, FIND_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#findOne.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#findOneOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.findOneOpts || (this.findOneOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.findOneOpts, FIND_ONE_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#insert.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#insertOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.insertOpts || (this.insertOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.insertOpts, INSERT_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#insertMany.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#insertManyOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.insertManyOpts || (this.insertManyOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.insertManyOpts, INSERT_MANY_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#update.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#updateOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.updateOpts || (this.updateOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.updateOpts, UPDATE_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

   * Default options to pass to collection#destroy.
   * @name MongoDBAdapter#removeOpts
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  this.removeOpts || (this.removeOpts = {})
  utils.fillIn(this.removeOpts, REMOVE_OPTS_DEFAULTS)

  this.client = new utils.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    MongoClient.connect(opts.uri, opts.mongoDriverOpts, (err, db) => {
      if (err) {
        return reject(err)
      this._db = db

  constructor: MongoDBAdapter,

  _translateObjectIDs (r, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    if (this.getOpt('translateObjectIDs', opts)) {
    } else if (this.getOpt('translateId', opts)) {
    return r

   * Translate ObjectIDs to strings.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_translateId
   * @return {*}
  _translateId (r) {
    if (utils.isArray(r)) {
      r.forEach((_r) => {
        const __id = _r._id ? _r._id.toString() : _r._id
        _r._id = typeof __id === 'string' ? __id : _r._id
    } else if (utils.isObject(r)) {
      const __id = r._id ? r._id.toString() : r._id
      r._id = typeof __id === 'string' ? __id : r._id
    return r

  _translateFieldObjectIDs (r) {
    const _checkFields = (r) => {
      for (let field in r) {
        if (r[field]._bsontype === 'ObjectID') {
          r[field] = typeof r[field].toString() === 'string' ? r[field].toString() : r[field]
    if (utils.isArray(r)) {
      r.forEach((_r) => {
    } else if (utils.isObject(r)) {
    return r

   * Retrieve the number of records that match the selection query.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#count
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} query Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {object} [opts.countOpts] Options to pass to collection#count.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with=[]] Relations to eager load.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Retrieve the records that match the selection query. Internal method used
   * by Adapter#count.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_count
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} query Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _count (mapper, query, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const countOpts = this.getOpt('countOpts', opts)
      utils.fillIn(countOpts, this.getQueryOptions(mapper, query))

      const mongoQuery = this.getQuery(mapper, query)

        .count(mongoQuery, countOpts, (err, count) => err ? failure(err) : success([count, {}]))

   * Create a new record.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#create
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} props The record to be created.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {object} [opts.insertOpts] Options to pass to collection#insert.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * @return {Promise}

   * Create a new record. Internal method used by Adapter#create.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_create
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} props The record to be created.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _create (mapper, props, opts) {
    props || (props = {})
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const insertOpts = this.getOpt('insertOpts', opts)

      const collection = client.collection(collectionId)
      const handler = (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor)

      props = utils.plainCopy(props)

      if (collection.insertOne) {
          .insertOne(props, insertOpts, handler)
      } else {
          .insert(props, insertOpts, handler)
    }).then((cursor) => {
      let record
      let r = cursor.ops ? cursor.ops : cursor
      this._translateObjectIDs(r, opts)
      record = utils.isArray(r) ? r[0] : r
      cursor.connection = undefined
      return [record, cursor]

   * Create multiple records in a single batch.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#createMany
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} props The records to be created.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {object} [opts.insertManyOpts] Options to pass to
   * collection#insertMany.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Create multiple records in a single batch. Internal method used by
   * Adapter#createMany.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_createMany
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} props The records to be created.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _createMany (mapper, props, opts) {
    props || (props = {})
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const insertManyOpts = this.getOpt('insertManyOpts', opts)
      props = utils.plainCopy(props)

        .insertMany(props, insertManyOpts, (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor))
    }).then((cursor) => {
      let records = []
      let r = cursor.ops ? cursor.ops : cursor
      this._translateObjectIDs(r, opts)
      records = r
      cursor.connection = undefined
      return [records, cursor]

   * Destroy the record with the given primary key.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#destroy
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Primary key of the record to destroy.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {object} [opts.removeOpts] Options to pass to collection#remove.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Destroy the record with the given primary key. Internal method used by
   * Adapter#destroy.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_destroy
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Primary key of the record to destroy.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _destroy (mapper, id, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const removeOpts = this.getOpt('removeOpts', opts)

      const mongoQuery = {
        [mapper.idAttribute]: this.toObjectID(mapper, id)
      const collection = client.collection(collectionId)
      const handler = (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor)

      if (collection.deleteOne) {
          .deleteOne(mongoQuery, removeOpts, handler)
      } else {
          .remove(mongoQuery, removeOpts, handler)
    }).then((cursor) => [undefined, cursor])

   * Destroy the records that match the selection query.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#destroyAll
   * @param {object} mapper the mapper.
   * @param {object} [query] Selection query.
   * @param {object} [query.where] Filtering criteria.
   * @param {string|Array} [query.orderBy] Sorting criteria.
   * @param {string|Array} [query.sort] Same as `query.sort`.
   * @param {number} [query.limit] Limit results.
   * @param {number} [query.skip] Offset results.
   * @param {number} [query.offset] Same as `query.skip`.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {object} [opts.removeOpts] Options to pass to collection#remove.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Destroy the records that match the selection query. Internal method used by
   * Adapter#destroyAll.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_destroyAll
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper the mapper.
   * @param {object} [query] Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _destroyAll (mapper, query, opts) {
    query || (query = {})
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const removeOpts = this.getOpt('removeOpts', opts)
      utils.fillIn(removeOpts, this.getQueryOptions(mapper, query))

      const mongoQuery = this.getQuery(mapper, query)
      const collection = client.collection(collectionId)
      const handler = (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor)

      if (collection.deleteMany) {
          .deleteMany(mongoQuery, removeOpts, handler)
      } else {
          .remove(mongoQuery, removeOpts, handler)
    }).then((cursor) => {
      cursor.connection = undefined
      return [undefined, cursor]

   * Retrieve the record with the given primary key.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#find
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Primary key of the record to retrieve.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string|string[]|object} [opts.fields] Select a subset of fields to be returned.
   * @param {object} [opts.findOneOpts] Options to pass to collection#findOne.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with=[]] Relations to eager load.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Retrieve the record with the given primary key. Internal method used by
   * Adapter#find.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_find
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id Primary key of the record to retrieve.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string|string[]|object} [opts.fields] Select a subset of fields to be returned.
   * @return {Promise}
  _find (mapper, id, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    opts.with || (opts.with = [])

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const findOneOpts = this.getOpt('findOneOpts', opts)
      findOneOpts.fields = this._getFields(mapper, opts)

      const mongoQuery = {
        [mapper.idAttribute]: this.toObjectID(mapper, id)

        .findOne(mongoQuery, findOneOpts, (err, record) => err ? failure(err) : success(record))
    }).then((record) => {
      if (record) {
        this._translateObjectIDs(record, opts)
      } else {
        record = undefined
      return [record, {}]

   * Retrieve the records that match the selection query.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#findAll
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} query Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string|string[]|object} [opts.fields] Select a subset of fields to be returned.
   * @param {object} [opts.findOpts] Options to pass to collection#find.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {string[]} [opts.with=[]] Relations to eager load.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Retrieve the records that match the selection query. Internal method used
   * by Adapter#findAll.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_findAll
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} query Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {string|string[]|object} [opts.fields] Select a subset of fields to be returned.
   * @return {Promise}
  _findAll (mapper, query, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
      const findOpts = this.getOpt('findOpts', opts)
      utils.fillIn(findOpts, this.getQueryOptions(mapper, query))
      findOpts.fields = this._getFields(mapper, opts)

      const mongoQuery = this.getQuery(mapper, query)

        .find(mongoQuery, findOpts)
        .toArray((err, records) => err ? failure(err) : success(records))
    }).then((records) => {
      this._translateObjectIDs(records, opts)
      return [records, {}]

  _getCollectionId (mapper, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    return opts.table || opts.collection || mapper.table || mapper.collection || snakeCase(

  _getFields (mapper, opts) {
    opts || (opts = {})
    if (utils.isString(opts.fields)) {
      opts.fields = { [opts.fields]: 1 }
    } else if (utils.isArray(opts.fields)) {
      const fields = {}
      opts.fields.forEach((field) => {
        fields[field] = 1
      return fields
    return opts.fields

  _run (cb) {
    if (this._db) {
      // Use the cached db object
      return new utils.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        cb(this._db, resolve, reject)
    return this.getClient().then((client) => {
      return new utils.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        cb(client, resolve, reject)

   * Apply the given update to the record with the specified primary key.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#update
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id The primary key of the record to be updated.
   * @param {object} props The update to apply to the record.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {object} [opts.updateOpts] Options to pass to collection#update.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Apply the given update to the record with the specified primary key.
   * Internal method used by Adapter#update.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_update
   * @private
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {(string|number)} id The primary key of the record to be updated.
   * @param {object} props The update to apply to the record.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _update (mapper, id, props, opts) {
    props || (props = {})
    opts || (opts = {})

    return this._find(mapper, id, { raw: false })
      .then((result) => {
        if (!result[0]) {
          throw new Error('Not Found')
        return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
          const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
          const updateOpts = this.getOpt('updateOpts', opts)

          const mongoQuery = {
            [mapper.idAttribute]: this.toObjectID(mapper, id)
          const collection = client.collection(collectionId)
          const handler = (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor)

          if (collection.updateOne) {
              .updateOne(mongoQuery, { $set: props }, updateOpts, handler)
          } else {
              .update(mongoQuery, { $set: props }, updateOpts, handler)
      .then((cursor) => {
        return this._find(mapper, id, { raw: false })
          .then((result) => {
            cursor.connection = undefined
            return [result[0], cursor]

   * Apply the given update to all records that match the selection query.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#updateAll
   * @param {object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {object} props The update to apply to the selected records.
   * @param {object} [query] Selection query.
   * @param {object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @param {boolean} [opts.raw=false] Whether to return a more detailed
   * response object.
   * @param {object} [opts.updateOpts] Options to pass to collection#update.
   * @return {Promise}

   * Apply the given update to all records that match the selection query.
   * Internal method used by Adapter#updateAll.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#_updateAll
   * @private
   * @param {Object} mapper The mapper.
   * @param {Object} props The update to apply to the selected records.
   * @param {Object} [query] Selection query.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options.
   * @return {Promise}
  _updateAll (mapper, props, query, opts) {
    props || (props = {})
    query || (query = {})
    opts || (opts = {})
    let ids

    return this._run((client, success, failure) => {
      return this._findAll(mapper, query, { raw: false }).then((result) => {
        const collectionId = this._getCollectionId(mapper, opts)
        const updateOpts = this.getOpt('updateOpts', opts)
        updateOpts.multi = true

        const queryOptions = this.getQueryOptions(mapper, query)
        queryOptions.$set = props
        ids = result[0].map((record) => this.toObjectID(mapper, record[mapper.idAttribute]))

        const mongoQuery = this.getQuery(mapper, query)
        const collection = client.collection(collectionId)
        const handler = (err, cursor) => err ? failure(err) : success(cursor)

        if (collection.updateMany) {
            .updateMany(mongoQuery, queryOptions, updateOpts, handler)
        } else {
            .update(mongoQuery, queryOptions, updateOpts, handler)
    }).then((cursor) => {
      const query = {
        [mapper.idAttribute]: {
          'in': ids
      return this._findAll(mapper, query, { raw: false }).then((result) => {
        cursor.connection = undefined
        return [result[0], cursor]

   * Return a Promise that resolves to a reference to the MongoDB client being
   * used by this adapter.
   * Useful when you need to do anything custom with the MongoDB client library.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#getClient
   * @return {object} MongoDB client.
  getClient () {
    return this.client

   * Map filtering params in a selection query to MongoDB a filtering object.
   * Handles the following:
   * - where
   *   - and bunch of filtering operators
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#getQuery
   * @return {object}
  getQuery (mapper, query) {
    query = utils.plainCopy(query || {})
    query.where || (query.where = {})

    utils.forOwn(query, function (config, keyword) {
      if (reserved.indexOf(keyword) === -1) {
        if (utils.isObject(config)) {
          query.where[keyword] = config
        } else {
          query.where[keyword] = {
            '==': config
        delete query[keyword]

    let mongoQuery = {}

    if (Object.keys(query.where).length !== 0) {
      utils.forOwn(query.where, function (criteria, field) {
        if (!utils.isObject(criteria)) {
          query.where[field] = {
            '==': criteria
        utils.forOwn(criteria, function (v, op) {
          if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'contains') {
            mongoQuery[field] = v
          } else if (op === '!=' || op === '!==' || op === 'notContains') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$ne = v
          } else if (op === '>') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$gt = v
          } else if (op === '>=') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$gte = v
          } else if (op === '<') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$lt = v
          } else if (op === '<=') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$lte = v
          } else if (op === 'in') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$in = v
          } else if (op === 'notIn') {
            mongoQuery[field] = mongoQuery[field] || {}
            mongoQuery[field].$nin = v
          } else if (op === '|==' || op === '|===' || op === '|contains') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orEqQuery = {}
            orEqQuery[field] = v
          } else if (op === '|!=' || op === '|!==' || op === '|notContains') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orNeQuery = {}
            orNeQuery[field] = {
              '$ne': v
          } else if (op === '|>') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orGtQuery = {}
            orGtQuery[field] = {
              '$gt': v
          } else if (op === '|>=') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orGteQuery = {}
            orGteQuery[field] = {
              '$gte': v
          } else if (op === '|<') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orLtQuery = {}
            orLtQuery[field] = {
              '$lt': v
          } else if (op === '|<=') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orLteQuery = {}
            orLteQuery[field] = {
              '$lte': v
          } else if (op === '|in') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orInQuery = {}
            orInQuery[field] = {
              '$in': v
          } else if (op === '|notIn') {
            mongoQuery.$or = mongoQuery.$or || []
            let orNinQuery = {}
            orNinQuery[field] = {
              '$nin': v

    return mongoQuery

   * Map non-filtering params in a selection query to MongoDB query options.
   * Handles the following:
   * - limit
   * - skip/offset
   * - orderBy/sort
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#getQueryOptions
   * @return {object}
  getQueryOptions (mapper, query) {
    query = utils.plainCopy(query || {})
    query.orderBy = query.orderBy || query.sort
    query.skip = query.skip || query.offset

    let queryOptions = {}

    if (query.orderBy) {
      if (utils.isString(query.orderBy)) {
        query.orderBy = [
          [query.orderBy, 'asc']
      for (var i = 0; i < query.orderBy.length; i++) {
        if (utils.isString(query.orderBy[i])) {
          query.orderBy[i] = [query.orderBy[i], 'asc']
      queryOptions.sort = query.orderBy

    if (query.skip) {
      queryOptions.skip = +query.skip

    if (query.limit) {
      queryOptions.limit = +query.limit

    return queryOptions

   * Turn an _id into an ObjectID if it isn't already an ObjectID.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#toObjectID
   * @return {*}
  toObjectID (mapper, id) {
    if (id !== undefined && mapper.idAttribute === '_id' && typeof id === 'string' && ObjectID.isValid(id) && !(id instanceof ObjectID)) {
      return new ObjectID(id)
    return id

   * Return the foreignKey from the given record for the provided relationship.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#makeBelongsToForeignKey
   * @return {*}
  makeBelongsToForeignKey (mapper, def, record) {
    return this.toObjectID(def.getRelation(),, mapper, def, record))

   * Return the localKeys from the given record for the provided relationship.
   * Override with care.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#makeHasManyLocalKeys
   * @return {*}
  makeHasManyLocalKeys (mapper, def, record) {
    const relatedMapper = def.getRelation()
    const localKeys =, mapper, def, record)
    return => this.toObjectID(relatedMapper, key))

   * Not supported.
   * @method MongoDBAdapter#updateMany
  updateMany () {
    throw new Error('not supported!')

 * Details of the current version of the `js-data-mongodb` module.
 * @example
 * import { version } from 'js-data-mongodb';
 * console.log(version.full);
 * @name module:js-data-mongodb.version
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} version.full The full semver value.
 * @property {number} version.major The major version number.
 * @property {number} version.minor The minor version number.
 * @property {number} version.patch The patch version number.
 * @property {(string|boolean)} version.alpha The alpha version value,
 * otherwise `false` if the current version is not alpha.
 * @property {(string|boolean)} version.beta The beta version value,
 * otherwise `false` if the current version is not beta.
export const version = '<%= version %>'

 * {@link MongoDBAdapter} class.
 * @example
 * import { MongoDBAdapter } from 'js-data-mongodb';
 * const adapter = new MongoDBAdapter();
 * @name module:js-data-mongodb.MongoDBAdapter
 * @see MongoDBAdapter
 * @type {Constructor}

 * Registered as `js-data-mongodb` in NPM.
 * @example <caption>Install from NPM</caption>
 * npm i --save js-data-mongodb js-data mongodb bson
 * @example <caption>Load via CommonJS</caption>
 * const MongoDBAdapter = require('js-data-mongodb').MongoDBAdapter;
 * const adapter = new MongoDBAdapter();
 * @example <caption>Load via ES2015 Modules</caption>
 * import { MongoDBAdapter } from 'js-data-mongodb';
 * const adapter = new MongoDBAdapter();
 * @module js-data-mongodb

 * Create a subclass of this MongoDBAdapter:
 * @example <caption>MongoDBAdapter.extend</caption>
 * // Normally you would do: import { MongoDBAdapter } from 'js-data-mongodb';
 * const JSDataMongoDB = require('js-data-mongodb');
 * const { MongoDBAdapter } = JSDataMongoDB;
 * console.log('Using JSDataMongoDB v' + JSDataMongoDB.version.full);
 * // Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.
 * class CustomMongoDBAdapterClass extends MongoDBAdapter {
 *   foo () { return 'bar'; }
 *   static beep () { return 'boop'; }
 * }
 * const customMongoDBAdapter = new CustomMongoDBAdapterClass();
 * console.log(;
 * console.log(CustomMongoDBAdapterClass.beep());
 * // Extend the class using alternate method.
 * const OtherMongoDBAdapterClass = MongoDBAdapter.extend({
 *   foo () { return 'bar'; }
 * }, {
 *   beep () { return 'boop'; }
 * });
 * const otherMongoDBAdapter = new OtherMongoDBAdapterClass();
 * console.log(;
 * console.log(OtherMongoDBAdapterClass.beep());
 * // Extend the class, providing a custom constructor.
 * function AnotherMongoDBAdapterClass () {
 *   this.created_at = new Date().getTime();
 * }
 * MongoDBAdapter.extend({
 *   constructor: AnotherMongoDBAdapterClass,
 *   foo () { return 'bar'; }
 * }, {
 *   beep () { return 'boop'; }
 * });
 * const anotherMongoDBAdapter = new AnotherMongoDBAdapterClass();
 * console.log(anotherMongoDBAdapter.created_at);
 * console.log(;
 * console.log(AnotherMongoDBAdapterClass.beep());
 * @method MongoDBAdapter.extend
 * @param {object} [props={}] Properties to add to the prototype of the
 * subclass.
 * @param {object} [props.constructor] Provide a custom constructor function
 * to be used as the subclass itself.
 * @param {object} [classProps={}] Static properties to add to the subclass.
 * @returns {Constructor} Subclass of this MongoDBAdapter class.
 * @since 3.0.0