import utils, { safeSetLink, safeSetProp } from './utils'
import {
} from './decorators'
import SimpleStore from './SimpleStore'
import LinkedCollection from './LinkedCollection'
* Whether in-memory relations should be unlinked from records after they are
* destroyed.
* @default true
* @name DataStore#unlinkOnDestroy
* @since 3.0.0
* @type {boolean}
unlinkOnDestroy: true
* The `DataStore` class is an extension of {@link SimpleStore}. Not only does
* `DataStore` manage mappers and store data in collections, it uses the
* {@link LinkedCollection} class to link related records together in memory.
* ```javascript
* import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
* ```
* @example
* import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
* import HttpAdapter from 'js-data-http'
* const store = new DataStore()
* // DataStore#defineMapper returns a direct reference to the newly created
* // Mapper.
* const UserMapper = store.defineMapper('user')
* // DataStore#as returns the store scoped to a particular Mapper.
* const UserStore ='user')
* // Call "find" on "UserMapper" (Stateless ORM)
* UserMapper.find(1).then((user) => {
* // retrieved a "user" record via the http adapter, but that's it
* // Call "find" on "store" targeting "user" (Stateful DataStore)
* return store.find('user', 1) // same as "UserStore.find(1)"
* }).then((user) => {
* // not only was a "user" record retrieved, but it was added to the
* // store's "user" collection
* const cachedUser = store.getCollection('user').get(1)
* console.log(user === cachedUser) // true
* })
* @class DataStore
* @extends SimpleStore
* @param {Object} [opts] Configuration options. See {@link SimpleStore}.
* @param {boolean} [opts.collectionClass={@link LinkedCollection}] See {@link DataStore#collectionClass}.
* @param {boolean} [opts.debug=false] See {@link Component#debug}.
* @param {boolean} [opts.unlinkOnDestroy=true] See {@link DataStore#unlinkOnDestroy}.
* @param {boolean|Function} [opts.usePendingFind=true] See {@link DataStore#usePendingFind}.
* @param {boolean|Function} [opts.usePendingFindAll=true] See {@link DataStore#usePendingFindAll}.
* @returns {DataStore}
* @see SimpleStore
* @since 3.0.0
* @tutorial ["","Components of JSData: DataStore"]
* @tutorial ["","Working with the DataStore"]
* @tutorial ["","Notes on using JSData in the Browser"]
function DataStore (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, DataStore)
opts || (opts = {})
// Fill in any missing options with the defaults
utils.fillIn(opts, DATASTORE_DEFAULTS)
opts.collectionClass || (opts.collectionClass = LinkedCollection), opts)
const props = {
constructor: DataStore,
defineMapper (name, opts) {
// Complexity of this method is beyond simply using => functions to bind context
const self = this
const mapper =, name, opts)
const idAttribute = mapper.idAttribute
const collection = this.getCollection(name)
mapper.relationList.forEach(function (def) {
const relation = def.relation
const localField = def.localField
const path = `links.${localField}`
const foreignKey = def.foreignKey
const type = def.type
const updateOpts = { index: foreignKey }
let descriptor
const getter = function () { return this._get(path) }
if (type === belongsToType) {
if (!collection.indexes[foreignKey]) {
descriptor = {
get: getter,
// e.g. profile.user = someUser
// or = somePost
set (record) {
// e.g. const otherUser = profile.user
const currentParent = this._get(path)
// e.g. profile.user === someUser
if (record === currentParent) {
return currentParent
const id = utils.get(this, idAttribute)
const inverseDef = def.getInverse(mapper)
// e.g. profile.user !== someUser
// or !== somePost
if (currentParent && inverseDef) {
this.removeInverseRelation(currentParent, id, inverseDef, idAttribute)
if (record) {
// e.g. profile.user = someUser
const relatedIdAttribute = def.getRelation().idAttribute
const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
// Prefer store record
if (relatedId !== undefined && this._get('$')) {
record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record
// Set locals
// e.g. profile.user = someUser
// or = somePost
safeSetLink(this, localField, record)
safeSetProp(this, foreignKey, relatedId)
collection.updateIndex(this, updateOpts)
if (inverseDef) {
this.setupInverseRelation(record, id, inverseDef, idAttribute)
} else {
// Unset in-memory link only
// e.g. profile.user = undefined
// or = undefined
safeSetLink(this, localField, undefined)
return record
let foreignKeyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(mapper.recordClass.prototype, foreignKey)
if (!foreignKeyDescriptor) {
foreignKeyDescriptor = {
enumerable: true
const originalGet = foreignKeyDescriptor.get
foreignKeyDescriptor.get = function () {
if (originalGet) {
return this._get(`props.${foreignKey}`)
const originalSet = foreignKeyDescriptor.set
foreignKeyDescriptor.set = function (value) {
if (originalSet) {, value)
const currentParent = utils.get(this, localField)
const id = utils.get(this, idAttribute)
const inverseDef = def.getInverse(mapper)
const currentParentId = currentParent ? utils.get(currentParent, def.getRelation().idAttribute) : undefined
if (currentParent && currentParentId !== undefined && currentParentId !== value) {
if (inverseDef.type === hasOneType) {
safeSetLink(currentParent, inverseDef.localField, undefined)
} else if (inverseDef.type === hasManyType) {
const children = utils.get(currentParent, inverseDef.localField)
if (id === undefined) {
utils.remove(children, (child) => child === this)
} else {
utils.remove(children, (child) => child === this || id === utils.get(child, idAttribute))
safeSetProp(this, foreignKey, value)
collection.updateIndex(this, updateOpts)
if ((value === undefined || value === null)) {
if (currentParentId !== undefined) {
// Unset locals
utils.set(this, localField, undefined)
} else if (this._get('$')) {
const storeRecord = self.get(relation, value)
if (storeRecord) {
utils.set(this, localField, storeRecord)
Object.defineProperty(mapper.recordClass.prototype, foreignKey, foreignKeyDescriptor)
} else if (type === hasManyType) {
const localKeys = def.localKeys
const foreignKeys = def.foreignKeys
// TODO: Handle case when belongsTo relation isn't ever defined
if (self._collections[relation] && foreignKey && !self.getCollection(relation).indexes[foreignKey]) {
descriptor = {
get () {
let current =
if (!current) {
this._set(path, [])
// e.g. post.comments = someComments
// or user.groups = someGroups
// or group.users = someUsers
set (records) {
if (records && !utils.isArray(records)) {
records = [records]
const id = utils.get(this, idAttribute)
const relatedIdAttribute = def.getRelation().idAttribute
const inverseDef = def.getInverse(mapper)
const inverseLocalField = inverseDef.localField
const current = this._get(path) || []
const toLink = []
const toLinkIds = {}
if (records) {
records.forEach((record) => {
// e.g.
const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
const currentParent = utils.get(record, inverseLocalField)
if (currentParent && currentParent !== this) {
const currentChildrenOfParent = utils.get(currentParent, localField)
// e.g. somePost.comments.remove(comment)
if (relatedId === undefined) {
utils.remove(currentChildrenOfParent, (child) => child === record)
} else {
utils.remove(currentChildrenOfParent, (child) => child === record || relatedId === utils.get(child, relatedIdAttribute))
if (relatedId !== undefined) {
if (this._get('$')) {
// Prefer store record
record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record
// e.g. toLinkIds[] = comment
toLinkIds[relatedId] = record
// e.g. post.comments = someComments
if (foreignKey) {
current.forEach((record) => {
// e.g.
const relatedId = utils.get(record, relatedIdAttribute)
if ((relatedId === undefined && toLink.indexOf(record) === -1) || (relatedId !== undefined && !(relatedId in toLinkIds))) {
// Update (unset) inverse relation
if (records) {
// e.g. comment.post_id = undefined
safeSetProp(record, foreignKey, undefined)
// e.g. CommentCollection.updateIndex(comment, { index: 'post_id' })
self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
// e.g. = undefined
safeSetLink(record, inverseLocalField, undefined)
toLink.forEach((record) => {
// Update (set) inverse relation
// e.g. comment.post_id =
safeSetProp(record, foreignKey, id)
// e.g. CommentCollection.updateIndex(comment, { index: 'post_id' })
self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
// e.g. = post
safeSetLink(record, inverseLocalField, this)
} else if (localKeys) {
// Update locals
// e.g. group.users = someUsers
// Update (set) inverse relation
const ids = => utils.get(child, relatedIdAttribute)).filter((id) => id !== undefined)
// e.g. group.user_ids = [1,2,3,...]
utils.set(this, localKeys, ids)
// Update (unset) inverse relation
if (inverseDef.foreignKeys) {
current.forEach((child) => {
const relatedId = utils.get(child, relatedIdAttribute)
if ((relatedId === undefined && toLink.indexOf(child) === -1) || (relatedId !== undefined && !(relatedId in toLinkIds))) {
// Update inverse relation
// safeSetLink(child, inverseLocalField, undefined)
const parents = utils.get(child, inverseLocalField) || []
// e.g. someUser.groups.remove(group)
if (id === undefined) {
utils.remove(parents, (parent) => parent === this)
} else {
utils.remove(parents, (parent) => parent === this || id === utils.get(parent, idAttribute))
toLink.forEach((child) => {
// Update (set) inverse relation
const parents = utils.get(child, inverseLocalField)
// e.g. someUser.groups.push(group)
if (id === undefined) {
utils.noDupeAdd(parents, this, (parent) => parent === this)
} else {
utils.noDupeAdd(parents, this, (parent) => parent === this || id === utils.get(parent, idAttribute))
} else if (foreignKeys) {
// e.g. user.groups = someGroups
// Update (unset) inverse relation
current.forEach((parent) => {
const ids = utils.get(parent, foreignKeys) || []
// e.g. someGroup.user_ids.remove(
utils.remove(ids, (_key) => id === _key)
const children = utils.get(parent, inverseLocalField)
// e.g. someGroup.users.remove(user)
if (id === undefined) {
utils.remove(children, (child) => child === this)
} else {
utils.remove(children, (child) => child === this || id === utils.get(child, idAttribute))
// Update (set) inverse relation
toLink.forEach((parent) => {
const ids = utils.get(parent, foreignKeys) || []
utils.noDupeAdd(ids, id, (_key) => id === _key)
const children = utils.get(parent, inverseLocalField)
if (id === undefined) {
utils.noDupeAdd(children, this, (child) => child === this)
} else {
utils.noDupeAdd(children, this, (child) => child === this || id === utils.get(child, idAttribute))
this._set(path, toLink)
return toLink
} else if (type === hasOneType) {
// TODO: Handle case when belongsTo relation isn't ever defined
if (self._collections[relation] && foreignKey && !self.getCollection(relation).indexes[foreignKey]) {
descriptor = {
get: getter,
// e.g. user.profile = someProfile
set (record) {
const current = this._get(path)
if (record === current) {
return current
const inverseLocalField = def.getInverse(mapper).localField
// Update (unset) inverse relation
if (current) {
safeSetProp(current, foreignKey, undefined)
self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(current, updateOpts)
safeSetLink(current, inverseLocalField, undefined)
if (record) {
const relatedId = utils.get(record, def.getRelation().idAttribute)
// Prefer store record
if (relatedId !== undefined) {
record = self.get(relation, relatedId) || record
// Set locals
safeSetLink(this, localField, record)
// Update (set) inverse relation
safeSetProp(record, foreignKey, utils.get(this, idAttribute))
self.getCollection(relation).updateIndex(record, updateOpts)
safeSetLink(record, inverseLocalField, this)
} else {
// Unset locals
safeSetLink(this, localField, undefined)
return record
if (descriptor) {
descriptor.enumerable = def.enumerable === undefined ? false : def.enumerable
if (def.get) {
let origGet = descriptor.get
descriptor.get = function () {
return def.get(def, this, (...args) => origGet.apply(this, args))
if (def.set) {
let origSet = descriptor.set
descriptor.set = function (related) {
return def.set(def, this, related, (value) =>, value === undefined ? related : value))
Object.defineProperty(mapper.recordClass.prototype, localField, descriptor)
return mapper
destroy (name, id, opts) {
opts || (opts = {})
return, name, id, opts).then((result) => {
let record
if (opts.raw) {
record =
} else {
record = result
if (record && this.unlinkOnDestroy) {
const _opts = utils.plainCopy(opts)
_opts.withAll = true
utils.forEachRelation(this.getMapper(name), _opts, (def) => {
utils.set(record, def.localField, undefined)
return result
destroyAll (name, query, opts) {
opts || (opts = {})
return, name, query, opts).then((result) => {
let records
if (opts.raw) {
records =
} else {
records = result
if (records && records.length && this.unlinkOnDestroy) {
const _opts = utils.plainCopy(opts)
_opts.withAll = true
utils.forEachRelation(this.getMapper(name), _opts, (def) => {
records.forEach((record) => {
utils.set(record, def.localField, undefined)
return result
export default SimpleStore.extend(props)
* Create a subclass of this DataStore:
* @example <caption>DataStore.extend</caption>
* // Normally you would do: import {DataStore} from 'js-data'
* const JSData = require('js-data@3.0.0-rc.4')
* const {DataStore} = JSData
* console.log('Using JSData v' + JSData.version.full)
* // Extend the class using ES2015 class syntax.
* class CustomDataStoreClass extends DataStore {
* foo () { return 'bar' }
* static beep () { return 'boop' }
* }
* const customDataStore = new CustomDataStoreClass()
* console.log(
* console.log(CustomDataStoreClass.beep())
* // Extend the class using alternate method.
* const OtherDataStoreClass = DataStore.extend({
* foo () { return 'bar' }
* }, {
* beep () { return 'boop' }
* })
* const otherDataStore = new OtherDataStoreClass()
* console.log(
* console.log(OtherDataStoreClass.beep())
* // Extend the class, providing a custom constructor.
* function AnotherDataStoreClass () {
* this.created_at = new Date().getTime()
* }
* DataStore.extend({
* constructor: AnotherDataStoreClass,
* foo () { return 'bar' }
* }, {
* beep () { return 'boop' }
* })
* const anotherDataStore = new AnotherDataStoreClass()
* console.log(anotherDataStore.created_at)
* console.log(
* console.log(AnotherDataStoreClass.beep())
* @method DataStore.extend
* @param {Object} [props={}] Properties to add to the prototype of the
* subclass.
* @param {Object} [props.constructor] Provide a custom constructor function
* to be used as the subclass itself.
* @param {Object} [classProps={}] Static properties to add to the subclass.
* @returns {Constructor} Subclass of this DataStore class.
* @since 3.0.0